Transits January to March 2010: Lunar Eclipse in Cancer and Solar in Capricorn; Saturn in Libra and the Saturn Return


I’m re-publishing this post here because the previous version mysteriously disappeared from my site during the Mercury retro period (!); probably something I did.

In the FORECAST page are saved all the 2010 Transits articles.

Welcome to my astrological musings for the opening season of 2010. Many cosmic shifts are ushering new phases of personal and collective growth on the planet.

Like 2009 this year also begins with two Eclipses, Lunar in Cancer (January1) and Solar in Capricorn (January 15). More eventful times are on the cards for all of us, the Eclipses imparting a special resonance to the year ahead.

The lunar event will be felt more keenly by some Cancer (July1/3) and Capricorn (December30/January1), indicating an emotionally charged start of the year. It could be the climax to a somewhat trying period. What you value and whom you love will become immersed in the darkling light of the eclipsed Moon, your soul’s mysterious mirror.

The Solar Eclipse will affect directly some Capricorn (January14/16) and Cancer (July16/18), making you increasingly conscious of the need to fire up the year with new attitudes, more akin to your inner believes and drives. Solar Eclipses are not climaxes but rather starting points. Conscious and unconscious merge now, revealing to us things about us that are normally hidden, new impulses seeking outward expression.

During both Eclipses the Sun will be close to Venus, eternal feminine and archetypal energy behind attraction and love. The theme of the Eclipses is love, relationships and our sense of value, with an accent on commitment, marriage, family, career, status, security, co-dependency issues, due to the emphasis on Capricorn and Cancer, conservative Signs.

Venus will be invisible, obliterated by the brilliance of the Sun. returning to our western skies, as Evening Star, only around the end of March. According to Bernadette Brady, renown Australian astrologer, Venus or any other planet found in close proximity to the Sun can be regarded as  ‘enchanted’ (Visual Astrology newsletter, August 2009), meaning that they become truly merged with the solar centre of consciousness, made stronger by their invisibility rather than weaker.

On December 20 Mars turned retrograde. The fiery planet will retrace its steps all the way to the beginning of Leo and turn direct again only on March 11 2010. This is not the touch and go effect of a common transit of Mars, because the apparent backward motion of the planet slows the planet down considerably, causing its transits to linger and thus impress us more deeply.

It will be so, in this case, for some Leo (July23 to August14), and also Aquarius (January21 to February10), Taurus (April21 to May12), and Scorpio (October23 to November13).

Mars symbolizes the outward energy we all need to enter into action, assert ourselves and feel distinctly separated from others, in order to pursue our own desires as unhindered as possible. When retrograde, Mars works somewhat against itself; its outward motion becoming checked and also slowed down. This could prove frustrating if you want to make things happen quickly or if you need to prove your independence and personal strength. It is a better time to revisit the way you normally go about asserting yourself or the manner you tackle activities in your daily life. Have you been too forceful and self centred lately? Do you consider others when going about your business?

The slow motion of Mars might interfere with the prompt deployment of energy in your everyday life, and the immediate satisfaction of desires, but could also teach you an invaluable lesson on the right way to exert your energies and the value of forethought and cautious consideration of all circumstances and people.

The Sun-Mars’ opposition (central to the whole phenomenon of retrogradation) will be exact on January 30 2010, coinciding, for more emphasis, with the Full Moon in Leo. This will be the focal point during the retro period of Mars, one of greater awareness of the issues discussed, especially for some Aquarius (January 29/31), and Leo (August 2/4). There is a risk of going to emotional extremes, and anger issues, especially with ‘familiar’ people.

Saturn has entered Libra in October 2009 and will turn retrograde on January 14, re-entering Virgo, from the back door, on April 8.

Some Libra (September23/27); Aries (March21/25); Cancer (June21/25); and Capricorn (December22/26) are now been visited by Saturn: reality check or reality therapy, it depends. You will feel more inclined and better equipped to commit yourself to your projects, relationships, everything, because you feel the need now to establish emotional and material security for yourself and your loved ones. Often important decisions are made under the watchful eyes of Saturn that will affect your destiny for the next seven years and beyond. The call of duty will be herd but the response to that call is ultimately up to you. You could decide to pay no attention to it, missing an opportunity for the setting down of some important groundwork. To answer the call in the way Saturn demands you need to accept personal responsibilities and put yourself on the line, through commitment and efficient use of time and energy. Saturn is worth the effort, because his rewards are lasting and generous when they finally come. To give instant gratification is not Saturn’s modus operandi.

A possible negative outcome of such a transit is the feeling of having been burdened by a weight too heavy to carry, or by the naked realization that life can be hard sometimes. Some may opt to plunge into a more or less deep state of depression and experience low levels of energy and libido. If practical responsibilities have not been previously met they seem to crush down on us now, making us painfully aware of our shortcomings and sins of omissions. A sense of separation from the warmth and joy of life can exacerbate loneliness, while teaching an important lesson on self-reliance and maturity.

Looking at your state of mind from a different angle could help. In ancient times melancholia used to be considered a fruitful ground for creative work, emotional and spiritual insights. We don’t need to reject it as an illness, but acknowledge it as a rewarding phase of experience.

An important meeting of Saturn and Pluto (square or 90 degrees angle) is also coming on February 1.

It is not the first time this heavy duty transit touches your life though. It has been exact already in November 2009 and will return at the end of August 2010. Confronting some dark fears could be the expression of it, with the underlying, mostly unconscious desire to change your life in important ways, especially in the area of work, personal ambition, social standing, sexuality and the use of personal resources. A radical change of attitudes is demanded here, in order to shed old ingrained habits (Saturn) and transform yourself into someone closer to your real inner essence (Pluto). Using creatively the impact of this transit (the ultimate reality check) will enable you to contact your inner power and to face difficult and demanding circumstances with renewed strength and depth of understanding.

Saturn circles the Sun in just under thirty years. With the ingress of Saturn in Libra people born in 1980 are going this year through their first Saturn’s Return. This is a decisive maturing period, when the individual is expected to have reached a degree of autonomy and grasp of his/her social and personal obligations. A time when life definitely change (ask anyone who has been there) and some fundamental path of destiny becomes defined.

Older people born in 1951 are instead experiencing their second Saturn’s Return. On the threshold of 60 this is a critical time of adjustment, to a different role within families and communities. Are we ready to become elders at sixty, or are we still pining for lost youth, looks and enthusiasm? The wisdom brought by the second cycle of Saturn is available only when the old values are allowed to change and we can again, or perhaps for the first time, sit comfortably in our own skins, wrinkles and all.

The again older generation born in 1921 are beginning the third and last cycle of this formative and ultimately spiritual planet. The works indicated by Saturn are now inward jobs of self reflection and the rescue of old memories, enabling the individual to sum up his/her experiences somehow. There could be regrets if we stay stuck at the earthy Saturn’s level of productivity and duty, because the value essence of people reaching their 90th year is impossible to measure by external achievements, successes and failures alike. The senior cycle of Saturn serves the purpose of creating a scaffolding to hold the soul in place in preparation for death, rather than the material/ego scaffolding that characterized the previous cycles.

Jupiter will enter Pisces on January 18, transiting the whole of Pisces in under six month time, entering Aries as early as June 2010. It will however return to Pisces between September 2010 and January 2011. In June Jupiter and Uranus are planning to arrive at Aries’ gates at the same time, a grand entrance, with some fireworks involved; but that exciting rendezvous is not yet in season.

For the first three months of 2010 Jupiter’s extroverted energy will be felt by some Pisces people (February19/March9); also Virgo (August23/September11), Gemini (May21/June9) and Sagittarius (November22/December11).

This could sound like a call to adventure, a taste of confidence and optimism. Dare to dream and see some of your wishes become a reality, because you truly believe in them and also in your ability to seize them.

Your social life can be greatly improved by this transit and also the desire for knowledge either via travel or study. Anything that can bring you out of your habitual routines will be certainly welcome: a great time to make life improvements that have been long overdue and a leap of faith in uncharted waters.

Staying grounded could prove difficult; you may occasionally confuse yearning with authentic intuition and overstep your mark. Even if nothing concrete come out of this now, the vision and faith you are experiencing will help you to gain greater perspective during more prosaic times.

If your present situation seems to impede your progress you will be likely to rebel, because you know now that you deserve better. The blessings of Jupiter are often mixed with the woes of discontent and frustration, if opportunities for expansion are not readily available. You may feel impatient of any form of restriction, and uncharacteristically outspoken. Moderation is a useful word to remember when Jupiter is strongly activated.

On February 17 we will finally experience the great conjunction of Chiron to Neptune. This transit has entered the collective psyche since 2008, becoming exact only now. The birthdays in more direct line of contact with it are: Aquarians (February14/16), Leo (August18/20), Taurus (May16/18)) and Scorpio (November18/20). The New Moon in Aquarius, on February 14, will help to emphasize the power of this transit, for everyone.

The depth of compassion and empathy of a Chiron-Neptune’s conjunction is possibly unparalleled. Neptune’s function is to open us to universal vibrations, making us psychically and physically more vulnerable but also easily identified with the whole. The Chiron’s experience, on the other hand, teaches acceptance of what cannot be changed and the wisdom of detachment.

Chiron, orbiting between Saturn and Uranus, respectively the last visible planet (physical awareness) and the first invisible one (the realm of abstract thought), functions as go-between the known and unknown realms of experience.

Collectively this transit conveys then the present struggle to become more inclusive, compassionate and accepting of differences, opening our heart to the sufferings of the poor and disposed, attempting to heal the rift among people caused by ignorant and selfish attitudes. It could also represent an experience of collective grief, dissolving our illusion of being in control, thus enhancing spiritual awareness.

These humanitarian (Aquarian) trends came into focus very much in 2009 when Jupiter activated the conjunction Chiron-Neptune by its own transit through Aquarius. These trends continue strongly throughout 2010, with Jupiter’s passage into compassionate and inclusive Pisces and the conjunction Neptune-Chiron still very much alive.

Happy and wise transits, everyone.



I am late writing about the Copenhagen conference’s aftermath. At first I found myself too wrapped up in the feeling of failure and disillusionment that I derived from the outcome. It made me and many others, I am sure, realize that, yes, we don’t seem to be able to live up to our ideals; yes, our progress is very slow and may not be sufficient to avoid ecological catastrophe. Fear of dire consequences has accompanied the disappointment. I had to consciously snap out of it, or I could have get depressed. Many many have felt the same, the pain (Chiron) of disappointed longing for unity and love for our Earth Mother; collective tears (Neptune).

The powerful last passes of the conjunctions of Jupiter to Chiron (opening day) and Neptune (two days past the closing), encompassing  the whole conference,  were very appropriate symbols of the promise, the ideals, the aspirations which the conference aroused around the world. We were all affected by them, more or less consciously. Only a legally binding and exceptionally positive outcome, with brave reductions in emissions, high targets for the future and cooperation amongst developed and developing countries, could have satisfied the expectations and wishes of these lofty, but not particularly grounded transits.

To sum up the salient configurations of transits that I deemed significance for the Climate Change Conference:

The time chosen to initiate the conference,  Waning Moon phase, close to Last Quarter. Lots of unfinished business came to the surface, as it is proper during the dark fortnight of our Lady Moon, and only the last two days of the conference the Moon began to wax, after a New Moon in Sagittarius, giving few precious hours to draft a sort of agreement, at least amongst the major players. The agreement crafted by the American ‘Deus Ex Machina’ Barack Obama, making a grand entrance in the last few hours, contains just the spirit but certainly not the letter of what should have been achieved (if interested see my previous post on Obama in Copenhagen).

The Moon’s Void of Course at the time of the official beginning (6 pm, Copenhagen time, on December 7, 2009). This period (void because the Moon is not forming any major aspect with the Sun and Planets before she enters a new Sign) is considered inauspicious for beginning anything. It is an interim period and not an active one.

The square of the Sun in Sagittarius to Uranus in Pisces, on opening day,  becoming exact a week inside the negotiations, when temps started boiling up seriously, and schisms were created amongst different factions.

The conjunction of Jupiter to Chiron and Neptune. It started something, but also made us somewhat blind to the stark reality of commerce and the national and ideological divisions of our world (while the conference was on, war was still raging in many corners of the globe and since the conference ended there has been an exhalation of  terrorists attacks in Pakistan and Iraq). Jupiter, the catalyst of these transits, is really a ‘future’ planet, creating the vision and showing the potential and ideal of every enterprise, instilling confidence and faith, while the grounding touch of Saturn will be required for our ideals to manifest in concrete forms. Those feelings and visions are not lost or useless, however, because they have began to illumine the dark path ahead of us, providing us with ideals to strive for.

The opposition of Mars, close to its Retro Station, to the above conjunctions (augmented on opening day by the conjunction of the transiting Moon to Mars and the Moon’s own oppositions to Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune). This is a rather wonderful symbol to describe the many confrontations, disagreements, big arguments, stubborn stances we have witnessed in Copenhagen, every day risking to make the conference flounder all together. Mars was just preparing to retrograde, and will continue its loop until March 10, transiting Leo until June 2010. This shows that the confrontations and ideological wars that started in Copenhagen will go on past the event and well into the new year.

Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, both square Saturn in Libra. This has proven to be one of the strongest influences, manifesting already on the second day of the conference when documents were leaked to the press. showing that secret deals were being agreed upon by some of the main players. The last agreement too, signed behind closed doors by some of the key players, the USA, China, India and South Africa, while hailed by some as a last minute miracle and a step forward, has been considered by many the product of shady deals amongst super-powers and aspiring super-powers.

The power struggle became evident from the start, with the marked division between the poor countries, especially African and Oceanic, and the developed and developing giants that also squabbled amongst themselves the whole time. Many cans of worms were opened and the contents spilled out all over the place. Hidden motives, greed, power trips, pride, all surfaced to impede smooth progress, also causing salutary debates and much needed reality checks.

Realizing our limitations is one of the functions of Saturn, while its hard aspect to Pluto made the process more difficult and confronting. We faced each other demons and had to take a long hard look at everything. Trying to lay the blame on the opponent, we had to acknowledge our own shortcomings.

For some this debate was actually a question of survival, a life-death situation (Pluto). The results must have certainly distressed and depressed those who fought for the survival of so many island communities around the world. The changes required by Pluto in Capricorn are humongous, involving a complete transformation of attitudes. Saturn, with its fear mongering and resistance to change has put the usual spoke in the wheel, frustrating many hopes.

The square Saturn-Pluto will still be active in 2010 (exact again on February 1 and August 21), so the struggle and frustration are set to continue. Saturn, the Planet of ingrained old habits, is still fighting hard to maintain the status quo against the onslaught of Pluto’s transformative power.

Uranus in positive aspect to the Lunar Nodes, while Venus formed negative links to the same, on opening day. The destiny of the moment was to aid change and implement reforms (Uranus in positive aspect to the axis of Destiny), but not without problems in finding harmony and embracing cooperation (Venus’ negative links to the Axis of Destiny).

As many delegates have affirmed, on leaving the conference and afterwards: this has been the first real big summit on the subject of Global Warming, in itself a step forward on the road toward an international agreement. We obviously need more time and more talks. There is still hope that the next conference (Mexico 2010? date still undecided) will produce the legally binding document we need to implement real changes.



Climate-Change-3SUNRISE in COPENHAGEN, DECEMBER 7, 2009

The Conference will begin on December 7, not the most auspicious time to begin something, with the Leo Moon just separating from Mars and decreasing in light, close to the Last Quarter phase.

The waning cycle of the Moon, especially when past the Last Quarter (the longest chunk of time during the Summit), is not traditionally considered the most propitious time to take momentous decisions or to enter into action for something as important as Climate Change.

This reflects in my eyes the general feeling of anxiety that the whole thing will be for nothing; serious agreement amongst different nations and interests seeming, at first, very far off.


The presence of Venus in Sagittarius and the Aquarian conjunctions all point to the desire to share and to look at the big picture, but also add a sense of restlessness, impatient expectations and rather fixed viewpoints all around.

The Moon conjunct Mars (both opposing the Jupiter- Neptune-Chiron’s conjunction), just on the Summit’s opening day, promises that tempers will flare up throughout the conference, and that many are ready for a good fight. Self righteous attitudes may permeate all camps. A tag of war is possible between autocratic (Leo) and democratic (Aquarius) factions within the Summit.

At the same time the conjunction of Mercury to Pluto in Capricorn, also exact on opening day,  warns us of the risk of manipulation and secrecy that could mar the trust amongst the participants. This aspects shows that hidden agendas are prominent and that communications cannot be taken at face value. The positive side of this conjunction  is the depth it can lend to communication and its practicality and efficiency (Capricorn). It is in fact a very appropriate angle, considering that what we want to discuss (Mercury) in Copenhagen is the future  of our world resources (Pluto) and that the talks should be practically oriented (Capricorn) and also truthful, even when the truth hurts (Pluto).

Uranus in Pisces, another significant agent for change, in the Horoscope of the opening day, is forming near exact harmonious aspects to the Lunar Nodes, the axis of destiny for that particular moment in time (trine the South Node in Cancer and sextile the North Node in Capricorn). These transits represent a positive highlight on the Summit, because the destiny of that day is to allow changes and to foster reforms.

The Moon in its waning phase is heralding however nine days that seem to be better suited for introspection than for deliberation and action. I see it as some big time Soul Searching.

The most challenging moment perhaps the day of the First Quarter itself, December 9, when the Moon in Virgo will require a lot of the participants to sieve through a mass of verbal and written communication, often losing perspective of the larger picture and the global issues (Virgo’s myopia, seeing the close up bark of the tree but missing out on the great big forest out there). This 90 degrees angle between the Virgo Moon and the Sagittarius Sun, symbolizes to me the natural conflict between our aspirations, and the principles we wish to live by (Sagittarius) and the needs and practical demands of our everyday life (Virgo).

 A second critical time will be the Balsamic Moon phase, on December 12; the Moon, now in Scorpio, 45 degrees behind the Sun in Sagittarius. Here it is when true healing could take place and the seed of the new cycle planted. This seed will begin sprouting at the next New Moon in Sagittarius (December 16), so it is very important to nurture it rightly, in order to give it the best start. Just on this day Civil Demonstrations and Non Violent Protests have been organized, in favour of greater clarity and commitment on Climate Change, especially from the USA, China, India and Europe.

 The Balsamic Moon is full of great potential but it is also a very fragile and changeable period, when things can go either way, depending on how well we have integrated the lesson of the previous cycle. This cycle began with the Moon in Scorpio, on November 17. At this New Moon, once a year, we are required to face the shadow which is within us and in others, and find a creative outlet for its energy; A great opportunity, all in all, to clear our acts. How appropriate that this should be the Lunation cycle of a Climate Change Conference!

This Scorpio New Moon, exact at the time of writing amongst heat waves and freak thunderstorms in Australia, is very much coloured by the first pass of the Saturn-Pluto square, exact on December 16, practically coinciding with it. The square will be still active for a while longer, though separating by the time the Summit will begin, a good thing.

A general sense of relief could be felt, because this transit has the reputation of being heavy and sometimes intensely stressful, putting many under a lot of pressure. This intense pressure will be felt during the Climate Change Conference too.

There would be, throughout the Summit, a strong resistance (Saturn), against the powerful pull toward a radical transformation of attitudes (Pluto). The Saturn-Pluto’s connection can be also read as fear (Saturn) over the loss of Resources and Riches (Pluto), to which we have become accustomed and now take for granted.

A radical change of attitudes is demanded here, in order to shed old habits (Saturn). Using creatively the impact of this transit (the ultimate reality check) will enable us to contact our inner power and to face difficult and demanding circumstances with renewed strength and depth of understanding.

This cosmic conflict has been reflected, at the collective level, by the present inability of leading world nations,(time of writing: mid November 2009), to find a working agreement on Climate Change. The old ingrained habits, conservative views and fears of rocking the boat too much and create insecurity (Saturn) are stubbornly refusing to see the vital urgency of the issues of Global Warming and the handling of planet Earth resources, really a question of survival (Pluto).

The fact that this difficult angle is losing power during the Summit, at least for a time, could be a good sign for the outcome. The square Saturn-Pluto will return again in February, second pass, and then August 2010, third pass, so its challenges and severe reality check are far from over.

Let’s remember however that the first impulse on the opening day of the Summit itself, December 7, is represented by the Jupiter-Chiron’s conjunction (see previous post for details), that, even if challenged, at first, by the Moon-Mars opposition, represents still a powerful force for healing and expanding wisdom and knowledge.

I feel that, in the end, both the configuration Saturn-Pluto and the conjunction Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune will have to influence the outcome, with somewhat contrasting hues.


 The conference fortunately will end December 18, two days after the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 16, therefore on a more buoyant note. This will feel like a sort of beginning, at the end of all the talks, the Moon finally increasing in light, energetically better suited for action. This New Moon is also promising because of the proximity in time to the last pass of Jupiter over Neptune in Aquarius (exact on December 21). This is an enterprising and brave New Moon in Sagittarius, conjunct diplomatic Venus, but also trine Mars (courage, enterprise) and square Uranus (urge for reforms). Sagittarius never forgets the big picture and is adventurous enough to take a leap of faith. This positive energy, like the transits of Jupiter (Sagittarius’ traditional Ruler) seem reflected already by those poor countries, like Brazil for instance, prepared to cut further their CO emissions if the developed and developing countries agree to a definitive cap on emissions, first by 2020 and then 2050. This is an ideal and ambitious goal, at risk of generating unrealistic expectations, but who better than Sagittarius can dare to dream and then find opportunities along the way as a reward for its act of faith?

Coinciding with the end of the Summit will be the retrograde station of Mars, on the 19th degree of Leo,  during the last week of the Conference. Mars will in fact begin its retro motion proper on December 20. This to me is a clear symbol that the issues that will come up, especially those generating tension, anger and confrontations will have to be revisited in the first half of 2010, giving Mars time to make its slow U turn in Leo.

Mars will end its long transit in Leo only in early June 2010, and by then the very significant conjunction of Jupiter to Uranus will become exact (on the cusp of Aries, the symbolical start of the Zodiac). This future transit promises some significant shift in global outlook, with a readiness to embrace changes and begin anew. Something to look forward to.

No exact predictions can be made on the outcome of this Global Summit, but certainly most students of Astrology would agree about the general tone and challenges of the event.

Repeating the words spoken, at a previous Summit, by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that the failure to reach a new treaty  on fighting global warming in 2009 would be “morally inexcusable, economically short sighted and politically unwise”, we don’t seem to have much of a choice. And this, I feel, is what the square Saturn-Pluto is all about, being put in an emergency situation with only one way out, truth, nothing but the truth.

More on the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit in my previous post, and in future posts, those in particular considering the effect of the January 2010 Eclipses and the specific roles of some of the major players, China, India, USA, Europe and Australia.



 My-Ganymed- GREEN


The Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen makes a fascinating sky story, starting with the last pass of the historical conjunction of Jupiter to Chiron in Aquarius (exact on December 7, opening day!!!); and ending with the last pass of the Jupiter conjunction to Neptune, also in Aquarius. This last transit will become exact just three days (December 21) after the Conference’s ending (December 18). A Sagittarius New Moon aligned to the longitude of the Galactic Centre will also concur with the latter event.

Astrologers, all over the world, count on these cosmic alignments to generate a positive outcome for this Summit.

Astrologers don’t pick the dates of historical events such as this, but certainly whoever chose them is unknowingly prompted by more than logical reasons and practical considerations. When it comes to events that will affect, for good or ill, the lives of millions, Astrology never fails to deliver amazing archetypal portraits of the situation. Our Art can give us an almost immediate insight on the underlying currents of every situation, and the possible direction these currents may take us.

Jupiter is here obviously acting as a giant catalyst, bringing the energies of Neptune and Chiron to a focus, and greatly expanding their effects. Jupiter is also performing the task of bringing to life, few months in advance, the conjunction of Neptune and Chiron to each other, which will become exact only in 2010.

The process is not easy though, because contacts with Chiron always entail suffering and difficulties one has to learn to accept and live with. The role of Chiron is, I feel, to bridge the distance between our down to earth experiences and sense of reality (Saturn) and our future aspirations and directions (Uranus). This is a precarious bridge at the best of time, needing constant work to become stronger and more secure. Copenhagen seems to be an opportunity to build more of this bridge, but perhaps it is premature to hope to finish its construction, over these few available days. The fact that Neptune awaits Jupiter at the end of the Conference seems to indicate to me that a lot of the outcome will be of an inspirational and idealistic nature, rather than clear programs and cut backs, promises perhaps more than commitments.


Climate-Change-3SUNRISE in COPENHAGEN, DECEMBER 7, 2009

As I stated in my article in issue 26, March 2009 of The Art of Healing about the Aquarian alignment:

There may be a marked general feeling of hope and the strong belief that things are improving. There is a catch though: excessive idealism and lack of practicality. We need to take care that wishful thinking and excessive confidence are not clouding our judgement. On the other hand, it would be regrettable not to acknowledge the beauty of the dream, the universal understanding and healing that the union of those planets portends. It would be to miss a unique opportunity to rise to new heights, for all of us.

Jupiter (called Guru in Vedic Astrology) represents the human urge to search for meaning and to envision a better future; while Neptune is the planet of the Third Eye and Universal Compassion, opening channels for us between conscious and unconscious dimensions. And Chiron is the Wounded Healer, a powerful symbol of the fact that true healing can come only from a personal and profound experience of suffering.

The energies of these three Planets acting in unison will be filtered through the substance of Aquarius, the Sign of democratic reform, human cooperation, science and technology. Astrologers cannot help feeling that this is a good sign to improve human cooperation and create strong links of friendship amongst people of different race, belief or culture’.

And in issue 27, June 2009:A benign face of this astrological period is represented by Jupiter’s conjunctions to Chiron and Neptune.

Despite the dire collective situation, seen from a practical and down to earth standpoint (Saturn was still in Virgo), this airy and lofty Aquarian emphasis could work like a magic charm, helping to dispel excessive worries and encouraging us to look up rather than down to find solutions to our quandaries. A willingness to reform and to help our fellow men could be very strong. Aquarius is the Humanitarian Sign which, through dispassion and knowledge, helps to emphasize our common human heritage, rather than our cultural and religious differences.

Jupiter is positively placed in Aquarius even when on its own. Its closeness to Chiron and Neptune strengthens, deepens and refines the outgoing energy of Jupiter, putting greater emphasis on compassion and healing, qualities the world needs very badly at present.’


And in issue 28, October 2009: ‘The triple conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron will be exact again, for the last time, between December 2009 and January 2010. These conjunctions have permeated the whole of 2009, helping to raise our spirits during the global financial crisis. At the time of writing (early June 2009) Obama has been visiting Egypt to show a friendly hand to Palestinians and Muslims in general, making historical speeches of reconciliation. He is also campaigning to have Guantanamo Bay shut by the end of 2009, a brave move, hopefully coinciding with the last pass of the Aquarian conjunction, in December’.

I didn’t know then that a global Summit on Climate Change was to be held in Copenhagen in December 2009, another one of those striking example of astrological synchronicity.

All these events exemplify to me the progressive spirit of the Aquarian conjunction, with its idealism and humanitarian principles, as well as the downside of the same, as chimerical hopes of easy solutions, and social/political naivety. Obama himself has Ascendant and Jupiter in Aquarius and became officially President at the time of his Jupiter’s return in early Aquarius, in January 2009, while his Moon’s South Node, part of his ‘axe of destiny’ is conjunct the historical conjunction Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron in late Aquarius.

Neptune can embellish every picture, but has the potential of being also deceptive, elusive and unrealistic. Jupiter on his part tends to exaggerate, usually accentuating the promising parts rather than the problematic issues. Finally mysterious Chiron portends the potential for collective healing of old wounds or, negatively, karmic illnesses. Chiron is physically and symbolically the go-between the known world (Saturn boundary) and the Uranian vision of a new world, forever reminding us of the painful limitations of our human condition (Saturn), while igniting the spark of our godlike genius (Uranus).

We see a Jupiter conjunct Neptune every twelve years or so, not a rare event, after all. But we experience a triple conjunction Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron only once in a while, the last in 1945, at the end of World War Two, when it certainly helped the healing, while many of the promises of what the world will be after the war were not kept . Even rarer is the same triple conjunction in the same zodiacal position, Aquarius, which occurred the last time in 1843. This was a period very close to the ‘discovery’ of Neptune in 1846, considered historically, philosophically and literarily an idealistic era. Many proletarian, grass root revolutions also started then (Marx’s Communist Manifesto was published in 1848). On the religious front it was a messianic period, when many Christians awaited the second coming and the advent of a new world order of peace and enlightenment.

Similar hopes in a redeeming time ahead are alive and well in 2009. We may at times feel we need a Saviour or a miracle to overcome the huge obstacles ahead of us; but hope alone will not save our troubled world.’


A negative side effect of this multiple conjunction could be that, if the Aquarian aspirations cannot find fulfilment at some practical level, a rebellious and self righteous attitude may be the outcome for many. The blessings of Jupiter are often mixed with the woes of discontent and frustration, if opportunities for expansion are not readily available. Moderation is a useful word to remember when Jupiter is strongly activated.

Global Civil Disobedience events in the Campaign for Climate Action have been already planned by many groups for November 30 (with the Taurus Moon squaring the Mars-Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune opposition), and again on December 12 (with the Balsamic Moon in Scorpio), in the middle of the Copenhagen talks.

The conjunction is creating a great momentum for change that will not be easily quashed. Together with the retrogradation of Mars in Leo this promises that tempers will rise quite a bit, especially in the aftermath of the Summit. There is indeed some risk of violence, not just because of Mars’ doings, but because a somewhat dangerous conjunction Mercury/Pluto will be exact on opening day too (see next post for details).

More on the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit in my next post, considering in particular the role of the Lunation cycle.


 New-Moon-Nov-16New Moon in Scorpio, November 16, at 08.13 pm

(Australian Eastern Summer Time, –11 hours)

I have chosen a night background for this New Moon Horoscope because the phase happened during the night in the Australian eastern regions.

This New Moon, the beginning of a new Lunation cycle, is in positive aspect to Uranus in Pisces, embracing changes, and in hard aspect to the Aquarian conjunction of Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune, warning that beautiful ideals and dreams aren’t enough to ensure real progress. Mercury entered Sagittarius early on November 16,  just in time for this New Moon, a positive change encouraging travel, study, and all forms of adventures.

If you are celebrating your birthday today the year ahead will present you with the opportunity of initiating something new, opening a novel chapter in your life story. Emotions will run deep in the next few months, but it may prove difficult to express them, unless with someone you can truly trust (Sun, Moon, Venus in Scorpio). You may be able to achieve a new level of closeness with someone. while a sense of adventure may entice you to travel or pursue new intellectual, creative or spiritual goals (Mercury in Sagittarius). Trying to keep your feet firmly on the ground may be difficult, because some of the transits active today are boosting your confidence and enthusiasm, perhaps a touch too much. Moderation recommended.

Most importantly the Saturn square Pluto is finally exact today, November 17. The year will not be devoid of challenges, especially for Scorpios born on this day, but for many other people as well. Hard work and commitment are demanded here, to transform the challenges into stepping stones for future success. Much indeed can be accomplished through this transit, especially if your Birth Chart shows strong Saturn and Pluto energies, doesn’t matter what Sun Sign you are. You need to remain focused in the face of emotional upheavals and the need to let go of the past or accept unavoidable losses.

Collectively this New Moon is interesting, because it opens the Lunation cycle during which the Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change will begin on December 7 (with the Moon near the Last Quarter phase of the cycle).

If interested in the Astrology of the Copenhagen Summit, CLICK HERE and HERE.


Barack Obama playing baseball circa the Sixties

 The First Progressed New Moon, 1967

Studying the American President’s Progressed Horoscope I have found many meaningful correspondences to his personal and public career. The following is an attempt to follow Obama’s Secondary Progressions throughout his life. I think it could help those Astrology students who, amazed by the powerful signature of the Transits in our lives, have still some doubt on the efficacy of considering Progressions as well.

To me Secondary Progressions (one day equal one year type) represent really a living backdrop to the Transits, showing the inner development of the individual and the way this is reflected in the events and encounters of his/her life.

Having used Secondary Progressions since I began reading Charts (thanks mainly to the Alan Leo’s series that started me on my path), I couldn’t do without them now. The Horoscope would not feel complete, because some of the underlying meaning of our experiences will be irremediably lost.

Barack, who was called Barry by his family, was born only six months before his parents’ marriage (February 2, 1961), meaning that he was conceived out of wedlock. This fact, together with the interracial marriages of his mother, first to a black Kenyan man, then to an Indonesian (in the fifties and sixties still surrounded by serious social taboos) would have certainly contributed to his psychological makeup and desire to help those who, like himself, don’t fit into the average social and racial mould. In his Birth Chart this is signified by the very prominent Aquarius: Ascendant, South Node of the Moon and Jupiter, ruler of his Ninth and Tenth House, respectively his connection with the wider world, his principles and his career; plus Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, conjunct his North Node of the Moon and at right angle to his Midheaven, so exerting a powerful influence on his choice of career and his potential for public success (Seventh House-Tenth House).


Obama’s Birth Moon in Gemini, conjunct the cusp of his Fourth House, or Midnight point, exemplifies the fact that he moved home many times in his life and that these frequent changes have helped him to become more flexible and adaptable, being an unsettling but also mentally stimulating position. One of the most interesting Progressed phenomena is the cycle of the Progressed Moon and Sun. We are all born at one stage or other of the Lunation cycle, with the Moon increasing or decreasing in light, waxing or waning. Progressions show us however that we are not stuck to the particular dynamic of that moment in the Lunation cycle for the rest of our lives. Moon and Sun advance in progression at their own appointed speed, on the average one degree a month for the Moon and one degree a year for the Sun. The Moon waxes and wanes accordingly, thus indicating periods of heightened and ebbing energy, times for successful outward actions, and times for introversion and self reflection, time for beginning and time for climax and endings, all necessary stages of psychological and emotional progress.

The Moon in Gemini (usually a social and light hearted if not emotionally superficial Moon) was just past the Last Quarter phase, ideal time for the birth of self reflecting individuals, more inclined to wrestle with their own inner demons rather than given to outward battle with the external world. This is considered a psychologically mature phase, that, covering the person’s childhood years, will help to make the child more thoughtful and adult like.


Obama was six years old (October 1967) when the Progressed Moon finally caught up with the Progressed Sun (Progressed New Moon in Leo), indicating the beginning of a brand new phase in his life.




And so it was, because, that year, his mother, now separated from his father and remarried, moved the family to Jakarta, Indonesia, where Barack’s half sister Maya was born.


That year not only the Progressed New Moon took place, but also the progressed Venus reached an exact distance of 120 degrees from the birth Neptune in the IX House. This aspect was already forming when Obama was born in 1961 (progressed aspects from planets are slow moving, somehow like the long lasting transits of the slow moving planets, those beyond the boundaries of Saturn). The Ninth House is often populated in the chart of people who form important connections with foreign people and countries. Neptune there at birth shows the great spiritual potential that could be triggered in Obama’s life, if he was to move to foreign lands or interact with foreign people and culture. The fact that the harmonious connection Venus-Neptune became exact just in 1967 shows how the family’s move to Indonesia had profound spiritual implications for young Barack, enhancing some of the best aspects of his Birth Chart, in particular his innate spirituality and compassion. The Seventh House cusp also progressed to the birth position of Uranus that year, signifying a profound change of attitude in Barack’s relationships and the beginning of a more individualized path. He started becoming more his own person.

To emphasize that, later that year, also transiting Jupiter reached Obama’s natal Descendant (another name for the Seventh House cusp), further proof that his relationships expanded and he began seeing and understanding more of the world. Transiting Uranus on his natal Mars on the cusp of the VIII House shows perhaps the darker side of this move to Jakarta that must have felt also as a painful uprooting from all he knew and loved in Hawaii, his birth place. Saturn in transit was however in harmonious aspect (trine) to his birth Sun, showing the positive influence and sense of security he derived from the relationship with his Indonesian step father. Usually the positive aspects of Saturn correspond to periods during which it is easier to settle down and to build secure foundations for the future.

So much for Obama’s first New Moon.


More about Obama’s Progressions and Transits’ timeline in my next post.

September to December 2009: Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron’s conjunction, a pandemic …

blake_jacobsladder Libra Equinox to Capricorn Solstice

Welcome to my astrological thoughts covering the major cosmic events of October-December 2009, and beyond.

One of the most significant transits of this period will be the passage of Saturn into Libra on October 30, after two years in Virgo. This is the first in a series of planetary shifts that epitomize our period in history: Pluto in Capricorn (November 2008) – Saturn in Libra (October 30, 2009) – Jupiter in Pisces (January 2010) – Chiron in Pisces (April 2010) – Uranus in Aries (May 2010) – Neptune in Pisces (April 2011, and, for good, February 2012).

Libra is the Sign of Saturn’s ‘exaltation’, a lofty position for this earthy planet, and a real opportunity for all of us to become more responsible and adult like in our relationships. Libra is the Sign of Justice and Equanimity, so that the laws of the lands could now begin to reflect more faithfully the democratic and equalitarian principles exemplified by Libra, with its innate respect for others. Libra Saturn, representing the implementation of the law, will strive toward a more democratic social order.

Saturn has not quite finished with Virgo yet. It will re-enter the Sign in retro motion on April 8 and make it back into Libra for good in July 2010. Saturn will then transit Libra until October 2012, a time of grounding, concrete success, as well as tough confrontation with insecurities and fears for all Librans. Ask your Virgo friends who have just spent the last two years in the company of this ponderous planet and they will tell you about the unavoidable tribulations and well deserved triumphs of their close encounter with the mythical ‘Lord of Time’. You would not want to miss it.

Difficult Saturn’s transits at the end of 2009 and in the first half of 2010 will, however, make the path a rough and difficult one for many, at least for a time; with a right angle to Pluto (November 16, first pass, February 1 and August 21, 2010, second and third passes); and renewed oppositions to Uranus in 2010 (exact April 27 and July 27).

The birthdays in direct line with these transits are, again, the early season Libra (22/25 September), Aries (20/23 March), Capricorn (21/24 December) and Cancer (21/24 June). The austere and sobering ray of Saturn is added to the intense Pluto atmosphere, and the electrifying impact of Uranus. These transits exemplify a breakage from the past. There will be an unprecedented drive for change, or unavoidable changes will have to be met, willing or not. Deep down you know that they were over due, really, and that you have been procrastinating. This may seem, at times, to shake badly the sense of personal and/or material security you might have built and thought quite solid and permanent. It will certainly be a lesson in impermanency, and an opportunity to re-invent yourself, starting your life on new foundations.

Collectively the situation has both implosive (Pluto) and explosive (Uranus) potentials. A 90 degrees angle between Uranus and Pluto is now in its incubation stage, becoming exact between mid 2012 and the end of 2014.  Saturn is stimulating that transit into early activity. The so called Techno-Punk’ generation, born between 1963 and 1969, who had the Uranus-Pluto conjunction signature in their birth charts, are now experiencing the mid-life crisis defined astrologically by the opposition of Uranus to their birth Uranus-Pluto, and the right angle between their Neptune and the transiting Neptune. This is an important spiritual and existential crisis, enacted in everyone’s life from the early to mid forty years. These people will be the next generation to yield positions of power on the world stage, the ones who will need to deal creatively with this unprecedented crisis. The emergency itself has a lot to do with the use and abuse of our planet’s resources (Pluto) and of technology (Uranus).

The triple conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron will be exact again, for the last time, between December 2009 and January 2010. These conjunctions have permeated the whole of 2009, helping to raise our spirits during the global financial crisis. At the time of writing (early June 2009) Obama has been visiting Egypt to show a friendly hand to Palestinians and Muslims in general, making historical speeches of reconciliation. He is also campaigning to have Guantanamo Bay shut by the end of 2009, a brave move, hopefully coinciding with the last pass of the Aquarian conjunction, in December.

All these events exemplify to me the progressive spirit of the Aquarian conjunction, with its idealism and humanitarian principles, as well as the downside of the same, as chimerical hopes of easy solutions, and social/political naivety. Obama himself has Ascendant and Jupiter in Aquarius and became officially President at the time of his Jupiter’s return in early Aquarius, in January 2009, while his Moon’s South Node, part of his ‘axe of destiny’ is conjunct the historical conjunction Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron in late Aquarius.

Neptune can embellish every picture, but has the potential of being also deceptive, elusive and unrealistic. Jupiter on his part tends to exaggerate, usually accentuating the promising parts rather than the problematic issues. Finally mysterious Chiron portends the potential for collective healing of old wounds or, negatively, karmic illnesses. Chiron is physically and symbolically the go-between the known world (Saturn boundary) and the Uranian vision of a new world, forever reminding us of the painful limitations of our human condition (Saturn), while igniting the spark of our godlike genius (Uranus).

We see a Jupiter conjunct Neptune every twelve years or so, not a rare event, after all. But we experience a triple conjunction Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron only once in a while, the last in 1945, at the end of World War Two. Even rarer is the same triple conjunction in the same zodiacal position, Aquarius, which occurred the last time in 1843. This was a period very close to the ‘discovery’ of Neptune in 1846, considered historically, philosophically and literarily an idealistic era. Many proletarian, grass root revolutions also started then (Marx’s Communist Manifesto was published in 1848). On the religious front it was a messianic period, when many Christians awaited the second coming and the advent of a new world order of peace and enlightenment.

Similar hopes in a redeeming time ahead are alive and well in 2009. We may at times feel we need a Saviour or a miracle to overcome the huge obstacles ahead of us; but hope alone will not save our troubled world.

The H1N1 influenza virus that spread from Mexico in April 2009 have raised the interest of many Astrology’s students because some of the transits active in 2009 and 2010 are similar to those that were active at the time of the infamous Spanish Influenza that struck Europe and the globe between February 1918 and April 1919. That H1N1 virus (another Swine Flu) allegedly killed 20, 40 or even 100 million people worldwide, according to different sources. The number remains uncertain because the infection spread rapidly during an extremely unsettled period of our history, toward the end of the First World War that also killed and displaced millions. Many soldiers leaving the trenches spread the deadly virus on their return home. At the beginning of 1918 the war was dragging on when the initial strain of the Spanish Flu made its first appearance. This was a mild strain, a common flu from which most people recovered quickly. Around August of the same year a second strain, a mutation of the original virus, started killing people instead, a catastrophe comparable only to the endemic pestilences of earlier centuries. I am not surprised then that normally indifferent governments have been taking extraordinary steps to try to stop the virus from spreading. The memory of that pandemic is engraved on the collective psyche, where it has remained hidden, repressed, for a long time.

Astrologically the similarity with present transits is undeniable: Saturn was opposed Uranus in 1919, the same as it has been throughout 2009 and will be for a good while in 2010. Jupiter was also conjunct Neptune in 1919, as is happening in 2009 (last pass in December). Another transit that connects our time with that distant past is the recent passage of Pluto into Capricorn. Pluto has a lot to do with collective karma and mass deaths, like those caused by natural disasters, wars or industrial and mining accidents. Pluto had entered Cancer just before the First World War, portending the mass destruction of families during the two World Wars. It has reached Capricorn, 180 degrees away from his 1918 position, and now lies on the opposite Solstice point. These points, together with the Equinoxes, are the most active of the whole Zodiac, enhancing in great measure the power of Pluto.

A crucial difference is the fact that in 1918 Saturn was separating from a conjunction to Neptune, a powerful signature for a natural disaster such as the Spanish Flu pandemic. When ‘afflicted’ in a personal horoscope Neptune can portend death by drowning which was the manner of death from the deadly strain of the N1H1 virus (the lungs becoming filled with fluids). Jupiter, by becoming conjunct to Neptune after Saturn, acted as a cosmic carrier, spreading the contagion even further. Jupiter, in the picture even now, is spreading perhaps only the fear and not the reality of the contagion!

Many scenarios are indeed possible. According to medical experts, this strain of influenza and its possible mutations will stay with us for a long time. Astrologically the more critical periods could be between November this year and September next year.

Due to the fact that Aquarius is the Sign of science and innovative technologies, some astrologers have even suggested that this virus could be a man made product, purposely or accidentally released into the environment. Apart from these speculations the Aquarian connection suggests to me that a program of universal inoculations presents also many hidden dangers. A sad story of a mass vaccination gone terribly wrong is the one that occurred in 1976 in America, when ‘Swine’ flu vaccinations had to be suspended after the death of numerous people who suffered irreversible adverse effects (Guillian-Barre syndrome); while the feared spread of the virus did not eventuate. At that time Jupiter was in opposition to Neptune! So, we have been warned.

To conclude; yes, the planetary configurations active in 2009 and 2010 could manifest in a pandemic. On the other hand a serious but rather common outbreak of flu could be taken for a plague of biblical proportions, due to the inflating tendency of Jupiter and the deceptive nature of Neptune. We may found ourselves under the spell of prophecy makers who seem to believe in the unavoidable end of the world as we know it.

The media interest in a possible pandemic tends to glamorize the issue and make it look exceptional and dangerous, another Neptune’s effect. The reality is that influenza pandemics are not rare events. In the last five century more than thirty have been recorded. In First World countries one is more likely to suffer serious ill health due to harmful habits and lifestyle, heart diseases, cancer or accidents. Concentrating just on the possible dark side of influenza is part of Neptune’s morbidity. Collectively we are more gullible, fanciful and impressionable. Perhaps we are using this fear of pandemics to distract ourselves from the real threats, like global warming, pollution, man’s inhumanity to man, racism, sexism, inequality etc. To keep a firm grip on reality is more than ever important. In case of a serious outbreak it will be the weak, old and poor of the world who will be more at risk, as usual (see the transits of Saturn, archetype of old people, those of Neptune, archetype of the feeble, those with low immunity and the underdogs, and Chiron, archetype of people with chronic illnesses).

Whatever you do, keep positive; help the planet recover from its many illnesses, because we will all be healthier in a healthier environment. Sky stories are fascinating but can be read in many different ways and the ending is always open to review; it is not a black and white, ready drawn picture. It is partly up to us. Happy transits, everyone.

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