An abundance of retrogrades

Welcome to my astrological musings
for August-September 2023

Venus’ Retrogradation in Leo (Jul23/Sep3)
On July 23 Evening Star Venus, very close to the end of Leo, will appear to turn course, in very slow motion, toward the western horizon and the setting Sun. This will be the beginning of Venus’ retro period, occurring every nineteen months approximately, and lasting about six weeks: a special time for many to re-write, re-live, and re-assess their relationships dynamics and fundamental values. You will be encouraged to discover/rediscover your true passion, exploring the best outlet for self-expression, healing creative and relationship blocks, via the profound insight this inward looking period can provide.
Even after reappearing in the dawn sky as the Morning Star in late August or after turning Direct, on September 3, Venus will still transit Leo until October 9.
More directly affected by this Venus’ transit will be those individuals whose Birth Charts have Sun, Moon Planets and/or Angles in Leo itself (between 12 and 28 degrees in particular), as well as the other Fixed Signs (Aquarius-Taurus-Scorpio); and, in a less obvious way, all the other Fire and Air Signs (Aries-Gemini-Libra-Sagittarius).
To enhance the self-reflective quality of this period Pluto, Neptune, Saturn and Chiron will also move in apparent backward motion. And Mercury will turn retrograde too, between August 24 and September 16. It is not that unusual for many planets to be retrograde at the same time, but it certainly indicates circumstances conducive to introspection and soul searching.

Mercury’s Retrogradation in Virgo (Aug24/Sep16)
Overlapping the Venus Retrogradation by about ten days Mercury will begin its Virgo backward journey on August 24 and end it on September 16. These three weeks are traditionally deemed unsuitable for serious decision making, signing of important contracts, leases etc. Some astrological scholars find this traditional belief debatable though, the success or failure of any enterprise depending on many factors and not just the backward motion of Mercury! Most importantly, in my view, is the fact that Mercury’s retrogradation will prolong Mercury’s stay in Virgo (July 29 to October 5), generating extended opportunities to improve our practical skills and perfect our learning of new subjects. Great vibes also to de clutter and clean up our messy spaces, all positive effects of the brain planet slowing down in clever and skilful Virgo, thus focusing more effectively on both practical and mental tasks.

An overall view: Grand Cross in Cardinal Signs, time for action
The Lunar Nodes, embodying the evolutionary destiny of the planet, moved into Aries and Libra on July 18, a 19 years recurring cycle. The shift coincided with the Cancer New Moon and a difficult configuration involving Sun, Moon, Pluto and the Lunar Nodes (Grand Cross in Cardinal Signs). The 90° angle Pluto-Nodes will be exact on July 29, but will continue to have effect for a few more months. This transit in fact links Pluto, planet of radical endings and beginnings, with recent Eclipses (April-May) and upcoming Eclipses (October), our planet’s evolutionary and regressive trends.

Not surprisingly the news from the world are even more troublesome than earlier in the year, with many extreme events unfolding: widespread escalation of conflicts, fight over vital resources, massive exodus from impoverished, warn thorn countries to wealthier countries, themselves experiencing economic downturns. And, of course, the catastrophic climate crisis, now obvious to most discerning people, bringing records temperatures and exceptional weather to most Northern Hemisphere countries.

The signal for the collective is to break through the impasse of the Fixed Signs the Nodes have just left, to embrace action, to show courage, enterprise and initiative, to pursue high ideals, Aries’ best assets. The South Node, now transiting Libra, represents what may impede our progress at this time. With its desire for harmony and ability for mediating, Libra is often paralyzed in action, becoming indecisive and ineffectual, while trying to accommodate everyone viewpoint. Perhaps the present emergencies are proof that the time for endless negotiating is over and the time to initiate something radically new is here. The collective however is not some abstract entity that has nothing to do with us. The collective is made up of the sum total of all individuals, each carrying a shared responsibility with regard to our planet’s destiny. 

This configuration is the latest grave warning we need to heed: a make/break situation in need to be addressed urgently, in revolutionary and inventive ways. 

If you wish to celebrate the advent of spring the Libra Equinox will take place on September 23, at 4.50 pm local time.

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