The Waxing Moon transits Virgo from March 11 to 13, between the Gibbous and Full Phase

Virgin Mary holding the unicorn (c. 1480), detail of the Annunciation with the Unicorn Polyptych, National Museum, Warsaw

Virgin Mary holding the unicorn (c. 1480), detail of the Annunciation with the Unicorn Polyptych, National Museum, Warsaw


VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship

Purifying and healing

From March 11, 9.07 am, to March 13, 4.28 pm

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

♥ ♥ ♥ Healing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Gibbous to Full Moon animationGibbous Moon

The Moon is waxing, 135 degrees ahead of the Sun, only 45 degrees or three and half days to the Full Moon. The Moon shows a strange shape now, like a rugby ball. Our goals are becoming more clear and we can power ahead, not too concerned about possible obstacles on our path. The power of attraction of the Full Moon proves irresistible.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden as in life there should be plenty of activities and a sense of urgency, least one should waste the great energy available at the moment. When the Moon transits a very fertile Sign like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, or a productive Sign like Taurus, Libra and Capricorn in this phase practically every plant and seed can go into the garden successfully. This is the middle of the second waxing week. Ideally, after sowing or planting leafy vegetables in the first week, we should be busy putting in those plants we grow for their fruit or seedpods (tomatoes, beans, etc.).

Full MoonFull to Disseminating Moon

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

The Waning Moon transits Virgo From February 12 to 14, during the Full Phase

'Portrait of Yseult Fayet' by Odilon Redon

‘Portrait of Yseult Fayet’ by Odilon Redon

VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship
Purifying and healing

From  February 12, 0.51 am, to February 14, 7.42 am

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

♥ ♥ ♥ Healing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Full MoonFull to Disseminating Moon

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

The Waning Moon transits Virgo from January 15 to 17, during the Disseminating Phase

Girl and Unicorn


VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship
Purifying and healing

From January 15, 2.52 pm, to January 17, 10.15 pm

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

♥ ♥ ♥ Healing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Disseminating Moon PhaseDisseminating Moon

The Moon is now on her return journey. This phase occurs three and half days past the Full Moon. It has been given this name because this is a time for spreading and sharing the knowledge or realization we have gathered at the Full Moon. It is the first step on the inner journey which began at the Full Moon, but it can still be an active time in the world too, with the need to reach out to others. The Moon has past her prime, but her still strong light is a reminder of her recent fullness.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden, despite the rapidly diminishing Moon light, this is a productive time for growing things and also to apply slow release fertilizer. The fact that these are the last available days for planting before the Last Quarter should work as an incentive to get going. Favourite plants to grow during this first week of the waning cycle are the Perennials, Biennials and Root Crops because the Moon energy is being stored underground in anticipation of the resting period not too far ahead.

The Waning Moon transits Virgo from December 19 to 21, during the Disseminating Phase


Artwork by Helga Hornung

VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship
Purifying and healing

From December 19, 4.51 am, to December 21, 1.31 pm

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

♥ ♥ ♥ Healing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

Disseminating MoonDisseminating Moon Phase

The Moon is now on her return journey. This phase occurs three and half days past the Full Moon. It has been given this name because this is a time for spreading and sharing the knowledge or realization we have gathered at the Full Moon. It is the first step on the inner journey which began at the Full Moon, but it can still be an active time in the world too, with the need to reach out to others. The Moon has past her prime, but her still strong light is a reminder of her recent fullness.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden, despite the rapidly diminishing Moon light, this is a productive time for growing things and also to apply slow release fertilizer. The fact that these are the last available days for planting before the Last Quarter should work as an incentive to get going. Favourite plants to grow during this first week of the waning cycle are the Perennials, Biennials and Root Crops because the Moon energy is being stored underground in anticipation of the resting period not too far ahead.

The Waning Moon transits Virgo from October 25 to 27, between the last Quarter and Balsamic Phases

'Sprout' by Kathleen Lolley

‘Sprout’ by Kathleen Lolley

VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship
Purifying and healing

From October 25 1.16 pm, to October 27, 11.50 pm

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

♥ ♥ ♥ Healing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.


Last Quarter7 Last Quarter to Balsamic fast

If the First Quarter presented us with external challenges to overcome in order to achieve the goal promised by the Full Moon, at the Last Quarter we feel that whatever bar our progress is within us and not without. We can now take responsibility for our life and circumstances. The battle needs to be fought with oneself and not other people. Both Quarters are crucial times that suggest division and strife, but while at the First Quarter we could find refuge in the illusion that the cause of all the problems was someone or something else, now we can clearly see how we contribute to whatever crisis we may be experiencing. The Moon is now 90 degrees behind the Sun, another right angle. The friction generated by the inner dialogue could be very creative if you don’t let it depress you.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden we should stop all sowing and planting, and concentrate on soil conditioning and cultivation. Suitable energy also for harvesting and getting rid of unwanted weeds and pests.

Balsamic MoonBalsamic Moon

The Moon is 45 degrees behind the Sun, only three and half days to New Moon. The Moon light is decreasing rapidly and the lunar energy is now being stored as nutrients in the seeds of future plants. It is also the calm before the storm of activities of the New Moon. Time for contemplation, self reflection and healing. The title Balsamic Moon is derived from the word ‘balsam’, unguent which helps to relieve pain and cure ills. During this time we could distil the essence of our past experience, from the last New Moon up to this point, reflect upon what we have experienced and learnt, getting psychologically ready for the cycle which is about to open. This is a spiritual phase, more suitable for meditation and relaxation than action.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden it is certainly no time for planting or sowing, but it is ideal for cultivation, soil conditioning, eradicating pests and unwanted plants and to prune in order to retard growth.

The Waning Moon transits Virgo from September 28 to 30, during the Balsamic Phase


‘Myth is reality’ by Seema Kohli – detail-1


VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship

Purifying and healing

From September 28, 7.42 am, to September 30, 5.52 pm

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

♥ ♥ ♥ Healing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.


Balsamic MoonBalsamic Moon

The Moon is 45 degrees behind the Sun, only three and half days to New Moon. The Moon light is decreasing rapidly and the lunar energy is now being stored as nutrients in the seeds of future plants. It is also the calm before the storm of activities of the New Moon. Time for contemplation, self reflection and healing. The title Balsamic Moon is derived from the word ‘balsam’, unguent which helps to relieve pain and cure ills. During this time we could distil the essence of our past experience, from the last New Moon up to this point, reflect upon what we have experienced and learnt, getting psychologically ready for the cycle which is about to open. This is a spiritual phase, more suitable for meditation and relaxation than action.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden it is certainly no time for planting or sowing, but it is ideal for cultivation, soil conditioning, eradicating pests and unwanted plants and to prune in order to retard growth.

The Waxing Moon transits Virgo from August 4 to 7, between the New and Crescent Phases


detail from 'Conundrum' by Christine Robinson

detail from ‘Conundrum’ by Christine Robinson

VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship

Purifying and healing

From August 4, 5.33 pm, to August 7, 2.56 am

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

♥ ♥ ♥ Healing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.


1 New Moon Crescent fastThe New Moon

The New Moon is the beginning of the Waxing cycle, the sacred marriage of Moon and Sun, Yin and Yang, Night and Day. For three days the Moon becomes invisible. Astrologically we say that the Moon is now conjunct the Sun (on the same degree of Longitude along the Ecliptic). Every month the New Moon occurs in a different Sign. So the Aries New Moon in March/April is always followed by the Taurus New Moon in April/May and so on. New Moons are symbols of new beginning and represent a great time to start something or make important changes in our lives. The energy is right for everything new you would like to try.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden this is traditionally a time to begin sowing and planting because the increasing Moon light will help plants to emerge and flourish. Moisture becomes more and more available as the light of the Moon intensifies, up to the Full Moon. Traditionally however no sowing or planting are recommended within twelve hours of the phase itself.


Crescent Moon2 Crescent to First Quarter fast

The Crescent Moon occurs half way through the first week of the Waxing cycle, when the Moon is transiting 45 degrees ahead of the Sun and looks like a beautiful crescent in the western sky after sunset. Psychologically this is an enthusiastic time, in which lots of ideas crowd our mind and we may feel that the sky is the limit. It is a slightly naïve Moon time, but also one full of hopes and dreams (the bright crescent shows now the shadowy sphere of the future Full Moon. The energy of the Moon however needs maturing at this stage and grounding. The first difficulties may appear, the first chinks in the armour; but the challenge is not strong enough yet for us to build up on it.

♣ ♣ ♣ In the garden this is an excellent growing time: everything can go in now, but in particular leafy vegetables and all plants that we grow for their above the ground parts, but only when the Moon is transiting through the very fertile Water Signs or the productive Signs Taurus, Libra and Capricorn.

The Waxing Moon transits Virgo from July 8 to 10, during the Crescent Phase

Have a seat and a bit of a Luna rest - Montana Rose Painter

Have a seat and a bit of a Luna rest – Montana Rose Painter


VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship
Purifying and healing

From July 8, 8.40 am, to July 10, 6.32 pm

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

♣♣♣ In the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

♥ ♥ ♥ Healing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.


1 New Moon Crescent fastCrescent Moon

The Crescent Moon occurs half way through the first week of the Waxing cycle, when the Moon is transiting 45 degrees ahead of the Sun and looks like a beautiful crescent in the western sky after sunset. Psychologically this is an enthusiastic time, in which lots of ideas crowd our mind and we may feel that the sky is the limit. It is a slightly naïve Moon time, but also one full of hopes and dreams (the bright crescent shows now the shadowy sphere of the future Full Moon. The energy of the Moon however needs maturing at this stage and grounding. The first difficulties may appear, the first chinks in the armour; but the challenge is not strong enough yet for us to build up on it.

♣♣♣ In the garden this is an excellent growing time: everything can go in now, but in particular leafy vegetables and all plants that we grow for their above the ground parts, but only when the Moon is transiting through the very fertile Water Signs or the productive Signs Taurus, Libra and Capricorn.

The Waxing Moon transits Virgo from June 10 to 13, between the Crescent and First Quarter Phases

Virgo by Julie Dillon

Virgo by Julie Dillon

VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship
Purifying and healing

From June 10, 11.45 pm, to June 13, 10.33 am

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

IntheGardengreen_thumb.jpgIn the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

Herb healingherbs_thumbHealing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.


2 Crescent to First Quarter fastCrescent Moon

The Crescent Moon occurs half way through the first week of the Waxing cycle, when the Moon is transiting 45 degrees ahead of the Sun and looks like a beautiful crescent in the western sky after sunset. Psychologically this is an enthusiastic time, in which lots of ideas crowd our mind and we may feel that the sky is the limit. It is a slightly naïve Moon time, but also one full of hopes and dreams (the bright crescent shows now the shadowy sphere of the future Full Moon. The energy of the Moon however needs maturing at this stage and grounding. The first difficulties may appear, the first chinks in the armour; but the challenge is not strong enough yet for us to build up on it.

IntheGardengreen_thumb.jpgIn the garden this is an excellent growing time: everything can go in now, but in particular leafy vegetables and all plants that we grow for their above the ground parts, but only when the Moon is transiting through the very fertile Water Signs or the productive Signs Taurus, Libra and Capricorn.

3 First Quarter to Gibbous fastFirst Quarter

The Moon is now 90 degrees ahead of the Sun, a right angle, very powerful. We meet some serious obstacle on our way. The goal is still strongly in view (Full Moon) but something or someone seem intent at stopping us or hinder our progress. This is the most critical point in the waxing period. It is important that we meet the challenge now, but it is also essential that we don’t go to war with people around us, blaming them for our difficulties, which are instead just a natural phase of our journey. There is something a bit black and white in this Moon’s position and the attention is perhaps focused too much on outside circumstances.

IntheGardengreen_thumb.jpgIn the garden this is the demarcation time between the first and second weeks of the Moon cycle, an important boundary, because different types of plants can now go in, those we grow for their fruit or seedpods (tomatoes, beans etc.). The Moon needs also to be transiting a fertile or productive Sign.

Waxing Moon transits Virgo from May 14 to May 17, during the First Quarter Phase


Polimnia - Muse of Sacred Poetry, Hymns and Eloquence

Polimnia – Muse of Sacred Poetry, Hymns and Eloquence

VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship
Purifying and healing

From May 14, 3.51 pm, to May 17, 3.32 am

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

IntheGardengreen_thumb.jpgIn the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

HealingHerbs_thumb.jpgHealing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.


3 First Quarter to Gibbous fastFirst Quarter

The Moon is now 90 degrees ahead of the Sun, a right angle, very powerful. We meet some serious obstacle on our way. The goal is still strongly in view (Full Moon) but something or someone seem intent at stopping us or hinder our progress. This is the most critical point in the waxing period. It is important that we meet the challenge now, but it is also essential that we don’t go to war with people around us, blaming them for our difficulties, which are instead just a natural phase of our journey. There is something a bit black and white in this Moon’s position and the attention is perhaps focused too much on outside circumstances.

IntheGardengreen_thumb.jpgIn the garden this is the demarcation time between the first and second weeks of the Moon cycle, an important boundary, because different types of plants can now go in, those we grow for their fruit or seedpods (tomatoes, beans etc.). The Moon needs also to be transiting a fertile or productive Sign.


The Waxing Moon transits Virgo from April 17, 9.22 am, to April 19, 9.23 pm, during the First Quarter to Gibbous Phases

The times given are Australian Eastern Standard Time (=10 hours East of Greenwich).
Click HERE to change it into your own Time Zone.



VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship
Purifying and healing

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

IntheGardengreen_thumb.jpgIn the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.

HealingHerbs_thumb.jpgHealing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.**** ****

4 Gibbous to Full fastGibbous Moon

The Moon is waxing, 135 degrees ahead of the Sun, only 45 degrees or three and half days to the Full Moon. The Moon shows a strange shape now, like a rugby ball. Our goals are becoming more clear and we can power ahead, not too concerned about possible obstacles on our path. The power of attraction of the Full Moon proves irresistible.

In the garden as in life there should be plenty of activities and a sense of urgency, least one should waste the great energy available at the moment. When the Moon transits a very fertile Sign like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, or a productive Sign like Taurus, Libra and Capricorn in this phase practically every plant and seed can go into the garden successfully. This is the middle of the second waxing week. Ideally, after sowing or planting leafy vegetables in the first week, we should be busy putting in those plants we grow for their fruit or seedpods (tomatoes, beans, etc.).

Ukitopia 2011, celebration of Uki village’s life, arts and culture

~~~ 'fire in the belly' by christine robinson ~~~ courtesy of

It’s on again, Ukitopia, cultural celebration of our village and surrounding region, starting on Friday, November 18, and continuing over the weekend of November 19 and 20.

I would like to explore here the astrological signature of this event, my own contribution.

First thing is always the Moon, the ancient Fertility Goddess who presides over all life enhancing activities, and is always in the right place, invited to all parties. The Moon’s placement in the Zodiac reflects the general mood of the people on any given day. Well, what can be better than a Leo Moon to spark the party mood, at the time of the Opening Ceremony, 6.30 pm on Friday?

This Moon is the Muse of theatricals, fun, holidays, child like spontaneity, creativity and over the top display of joy, art and passion. Great stuff, particularly for the participating children, always well attuned to the Leo Moon’s happy energy.

The transits of the Leo Moon at the start are mainly easy going and helpful, harmonizing well with Venus and Mercury (great for artistic expression) and also Saturn (positive for the organizing and practical running of the event).  Contacts of both Sun and Moon with Neptune in late Aquarius will enhance a dream like atmosphere and promote the glamorous quality of the stage  performances, dancing, chanting etc. There is always some risk though of things not going exactly according to plan when Neptune is highlighted, especially if we lose focus. Neptune can in fact add magic to any occasion, but, negatively, also cause confusion and misunderstandings. Great aspect for non linear thinking and creative output, not the best for running in time or sticking to schedules. Hopefully the above mentioned Saturn’s aspect will help to counteract this possibility.

Because Leo is the position of the Moon at the start, the actual birth time of the event, the mood will be sustained throughout, even when the Moon changes Signs later. The Moon will in fact move into Virgo around 9.18 am, on the Saturday, and remain in Virgo for the duration, a shift that indicates the importance of the crafty and healing aspects of this community event, where people are given the opportunity to showcase their creativity (Leo) but also their skills and desire to be of service to each other, the event being ran by hard-working volunteers every year (Virgo).

It is the start of the last week of the Moon cycle, not usually a time you would pick for a celebration because the light of the Moon is diminishing, life energy moving inward, ebbing. On the other hand this is ideal time to become more aware, to self-reflect and begin absorbing the experiences of the cycle that is ending. Only a week to the Sagittarius New Moon, on November 25, which is also the last Solar Eclipse of 2011. So it is intense time, because while digesting the last Scorpio cycle, we are becoming expectant of the next, and that is shrouded in the Eclipse’s mist. The Sun will enter Sagittarius on November 23.

The family oriented atmosphere of the event is shown by the position of the Moon on the Midnight point, a place of family, tradition, sense of belonging, roots. showing the desire of this community to share and create a sense of comfort and security, incredibly valuable and rare commodities in our troubled world.

To add to this picture the Asteroid Vesta, Goddess of the family heart, keeper of the sacred flame of communities and nations, is the most elevated planet (highest above the horizon), on the Midday point, facing the transiting Moon on the Midnight point.

Here is the Birth Chart of the 2011 Ukitopia, calculated for the date and time of the Opening Ceremony, November 18, 6.30 pm, local coordinates.

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Sensual, artistic, earthy and fertile Taurus is on the Ascendant, with giant Jupiter, transiting Taurus, just risen above the horizon, a time-honoured good omen. Taurus is traditionally associated with Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty, patroness of the arts. She is said to be Taurus’ Ruling Planet. The placement and aspects of Venus acquire then great importance in the reading of this Horoscope.

Venus happens to be very close to Mercury in the Fire Sign of Sagittarius. The Leo Moon is forming a harmonious angle (120 degrees) with both Mercury and Venus, another auspicious omen, promoting good will among people, loving feelings, fine communication and understanding. Sagittarius is another outgoing, adventurous and happy-go-lucky Sign, contributing to a buoyant and optimistic mood.

Both Venus and Mercury forms a harmonious angle (sextile) with the Mid-Heaven, the top of  Chart, representing the goal of the event and its potential for success. The Sun in Scorpio is also approaching a harmonious distance from Uranus in Aries (120 degrees), a very exciting transit, promoting originality and inventiveness, also positive for group activities and innovative projects, in particular favoring  multi-culturalism.

On Saturday the Moon will becomes conjunct Mars in early Virgo (Mars entered this Earth Sign on November 11), around 4 pm. While this conjunction can help to energize the general mood, it could also trigger confrontations and disagreements, Mars in Virgo famous for nit-picking and the tendency to criticize. But Mars, and the Moon (while conjunct to him) will be also part of another auspicious configuration, a grand trine (equilateral triangle) connecting Mars to Jupiter and Pluto, transit favorable to all big projects, an empowering transit. This could also prove a very practical influence, assisting the financial success of the event.