February and March 2024: spotlight on Aquarius and Pisces; the Aries Equinox and the first Eclipses of 2024

Pluto’s cosmic encounters
2024 will be the last year to witness the Pluto’s transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, marking a cosmic shift of great magnitude. After entering Aquarius on January 21 Pluto will briefly return to Capricorn on September 2, to leave it for good on November 20 this year (for the next 230 years, to be precise, returning to Capricorn only in 2254!).

In the short term it is important to place this Pluto’s transit in the contest of other current transits, those that could provide the means of expression for Pluto’s transformative energy.

As always, in February and March, the Sun will be gliding between the last two southern Signs of Aquarius and Pisces. Mercury, Mars and Venus will follow a similar course as the Sun, from early February to the end of March.   

According to ancient astrological wisdom the faster moving celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) act as triggers to the slower moving bodies (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), bringing their influence down to earth, so to speak, for all of us to experience at some level.

The Sun and Pluto
On January 21 the Sun and Pluto became conjunct just as they were entering Aquarius, offering an opportunity to make the global shift of consciousness represented by Pluto in Aquarius into a personal experience. The Aquarius-Pluto’s effect will unfold during the next two decades, slowly and, at times, dramatically, but the present multiple alignments could already show us the way forward.
The Sun in astrology represents the core of our identity as individuals. When the transiting Sun aligns with any planet we become more conscious of that planet’s energy, in the case of Pluto its transformative and regenerative function.
Alignments like these are not rare but they become more significant when they happen at the onset of a historical planetary event like the current ingress of Pluto in Aquarius.  
If you have already felt a shift happening within your psyche, an urge to cut off from the past and embrace fundamental changes in your views on life, your relationships, your place in the world, you have to thank Pluto. Scary as it might feel to stop compromising our personal integrity and core values, becoming more truthful to ourselves and others, this is an ideal time to embrace such lasting changes, Pluto providing the necessary psychological resolve and emotional resources. Here is a real opportunity for the consciousness of many separate individuals to become aligned to the collective purpose of our planet. The focus is shifting, collectively, from authoritarian and established rules of conduct (Capricorn) to progressive, inclusive, open minded, even revolutionary guidelines, beyond personal, political and religious bias; with each individual playing his/her role in the process.

Mercury, Mars, Venus meeting Pluto
Mercury will conjunct Pluto while entering Aquarius on February 5; Mars will do the same on February 13/14 (an intense Valentine Day!); and Venus on February 17. And Venus and Mars will become conjunct in Aquarius on February 22. 

The Wood Dragon Chinese New Year on the Aquarius New Moon, and Uranus activated
The New Moon will fall in Aquarius on February 10, date that also marks the beginning of the New Chinese Year of the Wood Dragon.
Furthermore Uranus, planet associated with Aquarius, turned Direct on January 27, thus accelerating the pace of change that its recent retrogradation had slowed down. The Sun will also form a right angle (square) with Uranus, on February 8. Mercury will also square Uranus on February 17, Venus on March 4, and Mars on March 10: all added stimuli to embrace change against many difficulties.

Well, it seems like we could really get the Aquarian message of humanitarian fellowship this time. The birth of a new age cannot be a smooth transition. Very many outworn modes of thinking, acting and relating to each other will have to go through rigorous tests to align to Aquarius high ideals. The process of becoming more truly individuals can cause, at first, emotional disconnection, creating a sense of loneliness too.

Saturn-Neptune in Pisces
The Sun will be the first to leave Aquarius, entering Pisces on February 19, followed by Mercury on February 23, and then Venus and Mars, on March 12 and 23 respectively.
The Sun and Mercury will become conjunct on February 28, both aligning to Saturn on February 29. This yearly reality check is particularly important this time because of the high expectations described by the recent numerous transits in Aquarius. How our personal circumstances can cope with the pace of change all around us and within us? Saturn and Neptune’s placement in Pisces suggests the need for embracing less rigid attitudes; preparing to accept unavoidable losses as we strive toward a better version of ourselves and the world we live in. This year represents the end of a thirty yearlong epoch for Saturn, hopefully bringing the world to a new level of responsible maturity.
However, for the time being, it is in in the nature of Pisces to seemingly obscure the path ahead, pulling us in different directions, unavoidable consequence of past errors we will need to redress for a long time.

Saturn and Neptune will both leave Pisces between 2025 and 2026, years announcing other profound experiences for the planet, as described by their uncanny conjunction on the very first degree of Aries, the beginning of the solar wheel of manifestation (!) in early 2026.  

Aries Equinox, more than a new season
Every three months the Earth and Sun come to a special alignment, twice when the Sun appears perpendicular to the earth’s equator at midday, at the Aries and Libra Equinoxes, in March and September. And twice when the Sun reaches its northernmost and southernmost height at midday, in January and June respectively. The transits active at these special times are used by astrologers to look into the trends that will unfold during the course of each season.

This year we celebrate the Aries Autumn Equinox on March 20, at 2.06 pm local time (Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time).

The first obvious observation, on Equinox day, is that the Moon in early Leo will be in opposition to Pluto in early Aquarius. This shows that the Plutonian theme is running through the coming season, collectively affecting our emotional lives.

This date is very close to the first Lunar Eclipse of 2024, happening on March 25. This will be followed by a Solar Eclipse at the Aries New Moon on April 8.
At the time of the Lunar Eclipse, the Full Moon, on the fifth degree of Libra, and the Sun, on the fifth degree of Aries, will be in harmonious aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, intense but also somewhat auspicious configurations, allowing profound changes to take place without undue resistance or struggle.
The Solar Eclipse, on April 8, will be perfectly aligned to Chiron, promising healing if we have the collective courage to face the past wounding that is keeping us back.

Here are the Horoscopes of the Aries Equinox and the March-April Eclipses.

Finally an important observation: at the moment and until the ingress of the Sun in Gemini (May 20) the Sun and planets are all concentrated in a short span of 120 degrees, a third of the whole circle, from Earth’s viewpoint, of course. This is obviously a high concentration of energies, often associated by traditional astrologers with increase in earth tremors, volcanic eruptions, as well as climatic and emotional extremes.

Best wishes in navigating these powerful transits. May the Force be with you …

The Waning Moon transits Sagittarius from Monday, April 22, to Wednesday, April 24, between the 29° Libra Full Moon and the Sagittarius Disseminating Phases

‘Metamorphosis’ by Vladimir Kush

SAGITTARIUS, Moon of the questing spirit and prophecy
Adventurous, independent 

The WANING MOON TRANSITS SAGITTARIUS from Monday, April 22, 1.59 am,
to Wednesday, April 24, 8.49 am, with the ingress into CAPRICORN

Suitable energy for traveling, exploring, radiating optimism, engaging in philosophical discussions, speculations, risk taking, gambling, adventures, trekking, camping out, wild life, search for God or Guru. Purchase of travel tickets, camping gear, cars, bikes, horses, dogs, raffle and lottery tickets. Action motivated by the desire to explore behind the personal sphere. Friendly display of feelings, gregarious and warm, but extremely independent and often unreliable. Beware of self inflation, preaching, boasting, being fanatical, overbearing, self righteous, impatient, uncompromising.

  • In the garden Sagittarius, like all Fire Signs, is traditionally considered too hot, dry and barren for growing anything, with the exception of Fruit Trees. Its energy is suitable for cultivating, general maintenance, pruning, pest control, weeding, and harvesting. A day with your favorite pet could prove rewarding, and so will be a night under the stars.
  • Healing Herbs: Dandelion, Garlic, Horsetail, Onions.

Full Moon animationFull Moon

The 29° LIBRA FULL MOON PHASE starts on Friday, April 19, 1.12 pm,
and ends on Tuesday, April 23, 9.34 am, with the SAGITTARIUS DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Disseminating MoonDisseminating Moon Phase

The SAGITTARIUS DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE starts on Tuesday, April 23, 9.34 am,
and ends on Saturday, April 27, 8.18 am, with the AQUARIUS LAST QUARTER MOON PHASE

The Moon is now on her return journey. This phase occurs three and half days past the Full Moon. It has been given this name because this is a time for spreading and sharing the knowledge or realization we have gathered at the Full Moon. It is the first step on the inner journey which began at the Full Moon, but it can still be an active time in the world too, with the need to reach out to others. The Moon has past her prime, but her still strong light is a reminder of her recent fullness.

  • In the garden, despite the rapidly diminishing Moon light, this is a productive time for growing things and also to apply slow release fertilizer. The fact that these are the last available days for planting before the Last Quarter should work as an incentive to get going. Favourite plants to grow during this first week of the waning cycle are the Perennials, Biennials and Root Crops because the Moon energy is being stored underground in anticipation of the resting period not too far ahead.

The Waning Moon transits Scorpio from late Friday, April 19, to early Monday, April 22, during the Libra Full Moon Phase

In the Shadowby Oleg Zhivetin

SCORPIO, Moon of depth and resourcefulness
Emotionally supportive and resilient

The WANING MOON TRANSITS SCORPIO from Friday, April 19, 10.40 pm,
to Monday, April 22, 1.59 am, with the ingress into SAGITTARIUS

Suitable energy for cleansing, getting rid of the old, spring cleaning, rubbish removal, recycling, nursing, practical and emotional support, midwifery, intimacy, partnership in business, profound talks, sharing secrets, healing old wounds, cultivating  psychic powers, studying occult subjects. Purchase of insurance policies, underwear, hygiene articles, medicines, medical equipment, payment of bills, fees and taxes, collecting debts. Helping the dying, honoring the dead. Action motivated by the desire to experience, to know or to control. Reserved and deep feelings, strong attachments, intense likes and dislikes. Beware of wilfulness, emotional control, resentments, obsessive thoughts, unyielding attitudes.

  • In the garden Scorpio is a very fertile Sign. It is also suitable for propagating cuttings, grafting and irrigation. It promotes sturdy roots. Corn, squashes and tomatoes seem to like particularly to be transplanted when the Moon is in Scorpio.
  • Healing Herbs: Aloe, Don Quai, Ginseng.
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Full MoonFull Moon animation

The 29° LIBRA FULL MOON PHASE starts on Friday, April 19, 1.12 pm,
and ends on Tuesday, April 23, 9.34 am, with the SAGITTARIUS DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

  • In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

The Waxing/Waning Moon transits Libra from Wednesday, April 17, to Friday, April 19, between the Virgo Gibbous and the last degree Libra Full Moon

'Everlasting Joy by En Chuen Soo

‘Everlasting Joy by En Chuen Soo

LIBRA, Moon of justice and harmony
Cooperative and artistic

The WAXING MOON TRANSITS LIBRA from Wednesday, April 17, 9.21 pm,
to Friday, April 19, 10.40 pm, with the ingress into SCORPIO

Suitable energy for sharing, decorating, being artistic, holding meeting, conflict resolution, diplomatic missions, weddings, engagements, parties, gifts, fantasy reading, falling in love, hairdressing, making oneself beautiful. Purchase of articles of clothing, cosmetics, furnishings, flowers, jewellery, art equipment. Action motivated by the desire to meet others half way, to be fair, to agree and harmonize. Amiable display of feeling, seeking equality, idealistic, cooperative. Beware of indecisiveness, lack of assertion, wishy-washy attitudes, peace at any cost syndrome, vanity, self indulgence.

  • In the garden Libra, unlike the other two Air Signs, Aquarius and Gemini, is traditionally considered fertile and productive. Being a Sign of Venus, goddess of pleasure and beauty, Libra is an ideal Sign to sow and transplant flowering plants and ornamental, and also herbs which help to balance the Elements in the body. Libra encourages bloom, but few seeds.
  • Healing Herbs:Corn Silk, Parsley, Uva ursi
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Gibbous Moon Gibbous to Full Moon animation

The VIRGO GIBBOUS MOON PHASE starts on Tuesday, April 16, 2.09 pm,
and ends on Friday, April 19, 1.12 pm, with the 29° LIBRA FULL MOON PHASE

The Moon is waxing, 135 degrees ahead of the Sun, only 45 degrees or three and half days to the Full Moon. The Moon shows a strange shape now, like a rugby ball. Our goals are becoming more clear and we can power ahead, not too concerned about possible obstacles on our path. The power of attraction of the Full Moon proves irresistible.

  • In the garden as in life there should be plenty of activities and a sense of urgency, least one should waste the great energy available at the moment. When the Moon transits a very fertile Sign like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, or a productive Sign like Taurus, Libra and Capricorn in this phase practically every plant and seed can go into the garden successfully. This is the middle of the second waxing week. Ideally, after sowing or planting leafy vegetables in the first week, we should be busy putting in those plants we grow for their fruit or seedpods (tomatoes, beans, etc.).

Full to Disseminating Moon

Full to Disseminating Moon

Full Moon

The 29° LIBRA FULL MOON PHASE starts on Friday, April 19, 1.12 pm,
and ends on Tuesday, April 23, 9.24 am, with the SAGITTARIUS DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

  • In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

The Waxing Moon transits Virgo from Monday, April 15, to Wednesday, April 17, during the Virgo Gibbous Phase

Detail of ‘Sunny Day in the Rainy Season’ by Paul Hilario

VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship
Purifying and healing

The WAXING MOON TRANSITS VIRGO from Monday, April 15, 8.13 pm,
to Wednesday, April 17, 9.21 pm, with the ingress into LIBRA

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

  • In the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.
  • Healing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Gibbous Moon Gibbous to Full fast

The VIRGO GIBBOUS MOON PHASE starts on Tuesday, April 16, 2.09 pm,
and ends on Friday, April 19, 1.12 pm, with the 29° LIBRA FULL MOON PHASE

The Moon is waxing, 135 degrees ahead of the Sun, only 45 degrees or three and half days to the Full Moon. The Moon shows a strange shape now, like a rugby ball. Our goals are becoming more clear and we can power ahead, not too concerned about possible obstacles on our path. The power of attraction of the Full Moon proves irresistible.

  • In the garden as in life there should be plenty of activities and a sense of urgency, least one should waste the great energy available at the moment. When the Moon transits a very fertile Sign like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, or a productive Sign like Taurus, Libra and Capricorn in this phase practically every plant and seed can go into the garden successfully. This is the middle of the second waxing week. Ideally, after sowing or planting leafy vegetables in the first week, we should be busy putting in those plants we grow for their fruit or seedpods (tomatoes, beans, etc.).

The Waning Moon transits Scorpio from Saturday, March 23, to Monday, March 25, between the Libra Full Moon and the Scorpio Disseminating Phases

'Woman with a spray of flowers' Safavid Dynasty - Persia - circa 1575 - detail

‘Woman with a spray of flowers’ Safavid Dynasty – Persia – circa 1575 – detail

SCORPIO, Moon of depth and resourcefulness
Emotionally supportive and resilient

The WANING MOON TRANSITS SCORPIO from Saturday, March 23, 1.16 pm,
to Monday, March 25, 5.05 pm, with the ingress into SAGITTARIUS

Suitable energy for cleansing, getting rid of the old, spring cleaning, rubbish removal, recycling, nursing, practical and emotional support, midwifery, intimacy, partnership in business, profound talks, sharing secrets, healing old wounds, cultivating psychic powers, studying occult subjects. Purchase of insurance policies, underwear, hygiene articles, medicines, medical equipment, payment of bills, fees and taxes, collecting debts. Helping the dying, honoring the dead. Action motivated by the desire to experience, to know or to control. Reserved and deep feelings, strong attachments, intense likes and dislikes. Beware of wilfulness, emotional control, resentments, obsessive thoughts, unyielding attitudes.

  • In the garden Scorpio is a very fertile Sign. It is also suitable for propagating cuttings, grafting and irrigation. It promotes sturdy roots. Corn, squashes and tomatoes seem to like particularly to be transplanted when the Moon is in Scorpio.
  • Healing Herbs: Aloe, Don Quai, Ginseng.
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Full Moon

Full to Disseminating Moon

Full to Disseminating Moon

The LIBRA FULL MOON PHASE starts on Thursday, March 21, 12.42 pm,
and ends on Sunday, March 24, 8.42 pm, with the SCORPIO DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

  • In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

Disseminating Moon PhaseDisseminating Moon

The SCORPIO DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE starts on Sunday, March 24, 8.42 pm,
and ends on Thursday, March 28, 3.09 pm, with the CAPRICORN LAST QUARTER MOON PHASE

The Moon is now on her return journey. This phase occurs three and half days past the Full Moon. It has been given this name because this is a time for spreading and sharing the knowledge or realization we have gathered at the Full Moon. It is the first step on the inner journey which began at the Full Moon, but it can still be an active time in the world too, with the need to reach out to others. The Moon has past her prime, but her still strong light is a reminder of her recent fullness.

  • In the garden, despite the rapidly diminishing Moon light, this is a productive time for growing things and also to apply slow release fertilizer. The fact that these are the last available days for planting before the Last Quarter should work as an incentive to get going. Favourite plants to grow during this first week of the waning cycle are the Perennials, Biennials and Root Crops because the Moon energy is being stored underground in anticipation of the resting period not too far ahead.

The Waxing/Waning Moon transits Libra from Thursday, March 21, to Saturday, March 23, during the Libra Full Moon Phase

Work on paper by Christine Robinson

Work on paper by Christine Robinson

LIBRA, Moon of justice and harmony
Cooperative and artistic

The WAXING/WANING MOON TRANSITS LIBRA from Thursday, March 21, 12.27 pm,
to Saturday, March 23, 1.16 pm, with the ingress into SCORPIO

Suitable energy for sharing, decorating, being artistic, holding meeting, conflict resolution, diplomatic missions, weddings, engagements, parties, gifts, fantasy reading, falling in love, hairdressing, making oneself beautiful. Purchase of articles of clothing, cosmetics, furnishings, flowers, jewellery, art equipment. Action motivated by the desire to meet others half way, to be fair, to agree and harmonize. Amiable display of feeling, seeking equality, idealistic, cooperative. Beware of indecisiveness, lack of assertion, wishy-washy attitudes, peace at any cost syndrome, vanity, self indulgence.

  • In the garden Libra, unlike the other two Air Signs, Aquarius and Gemini, is traditionally considered fertile and productive. Being a Sign of Venus, goddess of pleasure and beauty, Libra is an ideal Sign to sow and transplant flowering plants and ornamental, and also herbs which help to balance the Elements in the body. Libra encourages bloom, but few seeds.
  • Healing Herbs:Corn Silk, Parsley, Uva ursi
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Full Moon animationFull Moon

The LIBRA FULL MOON PHASE starts on Thursday, March 21, 12.42 pm,
and ends on Sunday, March 24, 8.42 pm, with the SCORPIO DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE
This is the third and last Super Moon of 2019, meaning that the Moon will appear larger,
especially at rising and setting times, due to its relative proximity to Earth (perigee)

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

  • In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

The Waxing Moon transits Virgo from Tuesday, March 19, to Thursday, March 21, during the Leo Gibbous Moon Phase

The Art of Humility illustration

The Art of Humility illustration

VIRGO, Moon of humility and craftsmanship
Purifying and healing

The WAXING MOON TRANSITS VIRGO from Tuesday, March 19, 12.04 pm,
to Thursday, March 21, 12.27 pm, with the ingress into LIBRA.

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets. Action motivated by practical needs, daily routine, taking care of the body learning to discriminate and to perfect. Timid expression of feeling, sometimes prickly, always helpful at the practical level. Beware of hyper-criticism, a calculating attitude, lack of grace, inhibitions, phobias, hypochondria, feelings of unworthiness.

  • In the garden Despite the earthy nature and the symbolic ear of corn in the Maiden’s left hand* Virgo is considered barren. Plants will supposedly grow spindly, tough and woody if planted on the Virgo Moon. The Sign is great however for tidying up the garden, work bee days, and fertilizing.
  • Healing Herbs: Blackberry, Fennel, Flax.
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Gibbous Moon Gibbous to Full Moon animation

The LEO GIBBOUS MOON PHASE starts on Monday, March 18, 7.36 am,
and ends on Thursday, March 21, 12.42 pm, with the LIBRA FULL MOON PHASE
This Full Moon is falling just a few hours after, on the same day as the Aries Equinox.
This will be the beginning of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and Spring in the Northern.

The Moon is waxing, 135 degrees ahead of the Sun, only 45 degrees or three and half days to the Full Moon. The Moon shows a strange shape now, like a rugby ball. Our goals are becoming more clear and we can power ahead, not too concerned about possible obstacles on our path. The power of attraction of the Full Moon proves irresistible.

  • In the garden as in life there should be plenty of activities and a sense of urgency, least one should waste the great energy available at the moment. When the Moon transits a very fertile Sign like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, or a productive Sign like Taurus, Libra and Capricorn in this phase practically every plant and seed can go into the garden successfully. This is the middle of the second waxing week. Ideally, after sowing or planting leafy vegetables in the first week, we should be busy putting in those plants we grow for their fruit or seedpods (tomatoes, beans, etc.).

The Waning Moon transits Libra from Friday, February 22, to Sunday, February 24, between the Virgo Full Moon and the Libra Disseminating Moon Phases

'Gentle Spring' by Frederick Sandys (detail)

‘Gentle Spring’ by Frederick Sandys (detail)

LIBRA, Moon of justice and harmony
Cooperative and artistic

The WANING MOON TRANSITS LIBRA from Friday, February 22, 1.17 am,
to Sunday, February 24, 2.55 am, with the ingress into SCORPIO

Suitable energy for sharing, decorating, being artistic, holding meeting, conflict resolution, diplomatic missions, weddings, engagements, parties, gifts, fantasy reading, falling in love, hairdressing, making oneself beautiful. Purchase of articles of clothing, cosmetics, furnishings, flowers, jewellery, art equipment. Action motivated by the desire to meet others half way, to be fair, to agree and harmonize. Amiable display of feeling, seeking equality, idealistic, cooperative. Beware of indecisiveness, lack of assertion, wishy-washy attitudes, peace at any cost syndrome, vanity, self indulgence.

  • In the garden Libra, unlike the other two Air Signs, Aquarius and Gemini, is traditionally considered fertile and productive. Being a Sign of Venus, goddess of pleasure and beauty, Libra is an ideal Sign to sow and transplant flowering plants and ornamental, and also herbs which help to balance the Elements in the body. Libra encourages bloom, but few seeds.
  • Healing Herbs:Corn Silk, Parsley, Uva ursi
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Full Moon

Full to Disseminating Moon

Full to Disseminating Moon

The VIRGO FULL MOON PHASE starts on Wednesday, February 20, 2.53 am,
and ends on Saturday, February 23, 8.17 am, with the LIBRA DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE.

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

  • In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

Disseminating Moon PhaseDisseminating Moon

The Moon is now on her return journey. This phase occurs three and half days past the Full Moon. It has been given this name because this is a time for spreading and sharing the knowledge or realization we have gathered at the Full Moon. It is the first step on the inner journey which began at the Full Moon, but it can still be an active time in the world too, with the need to reach out to others. The Moon has past her prime, but her still strong light is a reminder of her recent fullness.

In the garden, despite the rapidly diminishing Moon light, this is a productive time for growing things and also to apply slow release fertilizer. The fact that these are the last available days for planting before the Last Quarter should work as an incentive to get going. Favourite plants to grow during this first week of the waning cycle are the Perennials, Biennials and Root Crops because the Moon energy is being stored underground in anticipation of the resting period not too far ahead.

The Waxing Moon transits Taurus from Wednesday, November 21, to Friday, November 23, during the Aries Gibbous Moon Phase

'Nandi' by Avinash Deshmukh

‘Nandi’ by Avinash Deshmukh

TAURUS, Moon of contemplation and contentment
Loyal and sensual

The WANING MOON TRANSITS TAURUS from Wednesday, November 16, 10.42 am,
to Friday, November 23, with the ingress into GEMINI

Suitable energy for practical activities, making money, business, building, engineering, woodworking, sculpting, pottery, cooking, massage, healing, meditating, contemplating, being still and content, artistic, sensual. All pleasurable activities. Purchase of beautiful objects, furniture, furnishings, clothes, flowers, art works, jewellery, land. Slow, deliberate action, motivated by the desire for security and ease. Determination, use of will power. Affectionate, sensual display of feelings, supportive and loyal. Beware of laziness, self indulgence, stubbornness, intolerance, prejudice, jealousy.

  • In the garden Taurus is considered a fairly productive Sign, especially suitable for Root Crops, like potatoes and carrots, helping to strengthen the root system and to make plants sturdier. It is also a great Sign for Flower Bulbs and other ornamental plants, being sacred to Venus. Great time to be lazy in the garden, lull in a hammock and watch the grass grow.
  • Healing Herbs: Fenugreek, Liquorice, Slippery Elm.
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Gibbous to Full Moon animationGibbous Moon

The ARIES GIBBOUS MOON PHASE starts on Tuesday, November 20, 2.06 am,
and ends on Friday, November 23, 4.39 pm, with the GEMINI FULL MOON PHASE

The Moon is waxing, 135 degrees ahead of the Sun, only 45 degrees or three and half days to the Full Moon. The Moon shows a strange shape now, like a rugby ball. Our goals are becoming more clear and we can power ahead, not too concerned about possible obstacles on our path. The power of attraction of the Full Moon proves irresistible.

  • In the garden as in life there should be plenty of activities and a sense of urgency, least one should waste the great energy available at the moment. When the Moon transits a very fertile Sign like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, or a productive Sign like Taurus, Libra and Capricorn in this phase practically every plant and seed can go into the garden successfully. This is the middle of the second waxing week. Ideally, after sowing or planting leafy vegetables in the first week, we should be busy putting in those plants we grow for their fruit or seedpods (tomatoes, beans, etc.).

The Waning Moon transits Gemini from Saturday, October 27, to Monday, October 29, between the Taurus Full Moon and the Gemini Disseminating Moon Phase

Artwork by Beth Conklin

Artwork by Beth Conklin

GEMINI, Moon of mental flexibility and communication
Inquisitive and social

The WAXING MOON TRANSITS GEMINI from Saturday October 27, 6.40 am,
to Monday, october 29, 10.26 am, with the ingress into CANCER

Suitable energy for traveling, studying, researching, reading, writing, teaching, moving, walking, running, advertising, talking, brain storming, contact with siblings, computer work, accounting, graphic designing, artistic skills. Purchase of books, magazines, school gear, cars, bikes, art equipment. Quick action, rapid response, motivated by present circumstances and the curiosity to know. Adaptable mental energy. Friendly, sisterly, brotherly feelings, independent, needing change and variety. Beware of inconstancy, nervousness, irritability, mental games, gossips, double dealings, cold intellectualism, superficiality.

  • In the garden Gemini is considered too dry and barren for growing anything. Its energy is suitable for cultivating, general maintenance, pruning, pest control, weeding, and harvesting. Today the energy could be right for designing the garden, for parties and get-togethers with friends and siblings.
  • Healing Herbs: Coltsfoot, Hyssop, Lemon Balm, Mullein.
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Full Moon

The TAURUS FULL MOON PHASE starts Thursday, October 25, 3.45 am,
and ends on Sunday, October 28, 4.51 pm, with the GEMINI DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

  • In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

Disseminating Moon

The Moon is now on her return journey. This phase occurs three and half days past the Full Moon. It has been given this name because this is a time for spreading and sharing the knowledge or realization we have gathered at the Full Moon. It is the first step on the inner journey which began at the Full Moon, but it can still be an active time in the world too, with the need to reach out to others. The Moon has past her prime, but her still strong light is a reminder of her recent fullness.

  • In the garden, despite the rapidly diminishing Moon light, this is a productive time for growing things and also to apply slow release fertilizer. The fact that these are the last available days for planting before the Last Quarter should work as an incentive to get going. Favourite plants to grow during this first week of the waning cycle are the Perennials, Biennials and Root Crops because the Moon energy is being stored underground in anticipation of the resting period not too far ahead.


The Waxing/Waning Moon transits Taurus from Thursday, October 25, to Saturday, October 27, during the Taurus Full Moon Phase

'Yellow Cow' by Franz Marc Chagall

‘Yellow Cow’ by Franz Marc Chagall

TAURUS, Moon of contemplation and contentment
Loyal and sensual

The WAXING MOON TRANSITS TAURUS from Thursday, October 25, 1.33 am,
to Saturday October 27, 6.40 am, with the ingress into GEMINI

Suitable energy for practical activities, making money, business, building, engineering, woodworking, sculpting, pottery, cooking, massage, healing, meditating, contemplating, being still and content, artistic, sensual. All pleasurable activities. Purchase of beautiful objects, furniture, furnishings, clothes, flowers, art works, jewellery, land. Slow, deliberate action, motivated by the desire for security and ease. Determination, use of will power. Affectionate, sensual display of feelings, supportive and loyal. Beware of laziness, self indulgence, stubbornness, intolerance, prejudice, jealousy.

  • In the garden Taurus is considered a fairly productive Sign, especially suitable for Root Crops, like potatoes and carrots, helping to strengthen the root system and to make plants sturdier. It is also a great Sign for Flower Bulbs and other ornamental plants, being sacred to Venus. Great time to be lazy in the garden, lull in a hammock and watch the grass grow.
  • Healing Herbs: Fenugreek, Liquorice, Slippery Elm.
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Full to Disseminating Moon

Full to Disseminating Moon

Full Moon

The TAURUS FULL MOON PHASE starts Thursday, October 25, 3.45 am,
and ends on Sunday, October 28, 4.51 pm, with the GEMINI DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

  • In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

The Waxing Moon transits Aries from Monday, October 22, to early Thursday, October 25, between the Pisces Gibbous and the Taurus Full Moon Phases

'Breaking the mould' by Zenos Frudakis - Freedom Sculpture -Philadelphia

‘Breaking the mould’ by Zenos Frudakis – Freedom Sculpture -Philadelphia

ARIES, Moon of initiative and action
Energetic and fiery

The WAXING MOON TRANSITS ARIES from Monday, October 22, 5.58 pm,
to Thursday, October 25, 1.33 am, with the ingress into TAURUS

Suitable energy for taking on challenges, participating in competitions, performing daring feats, arduous exercises, physical work, to begin new ventures, or to perform action for its own sake. Purchase of sporting gear, protective gear, hats, tools, stoves, firewood, machinery, cars, bikes, leather objects. The mood is decisive, enterprising, impulsive, militant, spirited, visionary. Honest, direct expression of feelings, strong instinct, but somewhat insensitive. Beware of emotional extremes, head strong, bossy, uncompromising attitudes, lack of empathy, antagonism, aggression, selfishness.

  • In the garden Aries is traditionally considered too hot, dry and barren for growing anything. Its energy is very suitable instead for cultivating, general maintenance, pruning, pest control, weeding, and harvesting. Plants sown with the Moon in Aries will soon go to seed, due to this Sign’s notorious impatience. Suitable only for early crops.
  • Healing Herbs: Burdock, Gotu Kola, Red Clover.
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Gibbous MoonGibbous to Full Moon animation

The PISCES GIBBOUS MOON PHASE starts Sunday, October 21, 7.57 am,
and ends on Thursday, October 25, 3.45 am, with the TAURUS FULL MOON PHASE

The Moon is waxing, 135 degrees ahead of the Sun, only 45 degrees or three and half days to the Full Moon. The Moon shows a strange shape now, like a rugby ball. Our goals are becoming more clear and we can power ahead, not too concerned about possible obstacles on our path. The power of attraction of the Full Moon proves irresistible.

  • In the garden as in life there should be plenty of activities and a sense of urgency, least one should waste the great energy available at the moment. When the Moon transits a very fertile Sign like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, or a productive Sign like Taurus, Libra and Capricorn in this phase practically every plant and seed can go into the garden successfully. This is the middle of the second waxing week. Ideally, after sowing or planting leafy vegetables in the first week, we should be busy putting in those plants we grow for their fruit or seedpods (tomatoes, beans, etc.).

The Waxing Moon transits Pisces from Saturday, October 20, to Monday, october 22, during the Pisces Gibbous Moon Phase

Little funny Mermaid

PISCES, Moon of compassion and universal sympathy
Adaptable and romantic

The WAXING MOON TRANSITS PISCES from Saturday, October 20, 7.20 am,
to Monday, October 22, 5.58 pm, with the ingress into ARIES

Suitable energy for sailing, swimming, day dreaming, escapism, falling in love, creative writing, especially of poetry, theater, performances, movies, concerts, music, crowds, solitude, remembering. Charity, water scrying, astral traveling, past life experiences, déjà vu, psychic awakening, bliss. Purchase of swimming gear, boats, surfboards, pets, alcohol, shoes. Action motivated by the need to accommodate fate, to go with the flow. Gentle poetical expression of feelings, romantic, changeable, ambivalent. Beware of escapism, untruthfulness, drug taking, victimization, passivity, impracticality, phobias, fatalism, lack of discrimination.

  • In the garden Pisces is a very fertile, particularly suitable for growing water plants, like Water Chestnuts and Lotus. A great time for propagating cuttings, grafting, irrigation, pruning to encourage re-growth, but not potatoes that may sprout too soon. Romantic garden walks and picnics could do well too.
  • Healing Herbs: Echinacea, Eyebright, Golden Seal and Mugwort.
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Gibbous to Full Moon animationGibbous Moon

The PISCES GIBBOUS MOON PHASE starts Sunday, October 21, 7.57 am,
and ends on Thursday, October 25, 3.45 am, with the TAURUS FULL MOON PHASE

The Moon is waxing, 135 degrees ahead of the Sun, only 45 degrees or three and half days to the Full Moon. The Moon shows a strange shape now, like a rugby ball. Our goals are becoming more clear and we can power ahead, not too concerned about possible obstacles on our path. The power of attraction of the Full Moon proves irresistible.

  • In the garden as in life there should be plenty of activities and a sense of urgency, least one should waste the great energy available at the moment. When the Moon transits a very fertile Sign like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, or a productive Sign like Taurus, Libra and Capricorn in this phase practically every plant and seed can go into the garden successfully. This is the middle of the second waxing week. Ideally, after sowing or planting leafy vegetables in the first week, we should be busy putting in those plants we grow for their fruit or seedpods (tomatoes, beans, etc.).

The Waning Moon transits Taurus from Thursday, September 27, to Saturday, September 29, between the Aries Full Moon and the Taurus Disseminating Moon Phases

Cow jumping on the Moon

Cow jumping on the Moon

TAURUS, Moon of contemplation and contentment
Loyal and sensual

The WANING MOON TRANSITS TAURUS from Thursday, September 27, 5.15 pm, to Saturday, September 29, 11.25 pm, with  the ingress into GEMINI

Suitable energy for practical activities, making money, business, building, engineering, woodworking, sculpting, pottery, cooking, massage, healing, meditating, contemplating, being still and content, artistic, sensual. All pleasurable activities. Purchase of beautiful objects, furniture, furnishings, clothes, flowers, art works, jewellery, land. Slow, deliberate action, motivated by the desire for security and ease. Determination, use of will power. Affectionate, sensual display of feelings, supportive and loyal. Beware of laziness, self indulgence, stubbornness, intolerance, prejudice, jealousy.

  • In the garden Taurus is considered a fairly productive Sign, especially suitable for Root Crops, like potatoes and carrots, helping to strengthen the root system and to make plants sturdier. It is also a great Sign for Flower Bulbs and other ornamental plants, being sacred to Venus. Great time to be lazy in the garden, lull in a hammock and watch the grass grow.
  • Healing Herbs: Fenugreek, Liquorice, Slippery Elm.
A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Full Moon

Full to Disseminating Moon

Full to Disseminating Moon

The ARIES FULL MOON PHASE starts on Tuesday, September 25, 12.52 pm,
and ends on Saturday, September 29, 6.46 am, with the TAURUS DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

  • In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

Disseminating Moon PhaseDisseminating Moon

The Moon is now on her return journey. This phase occurs three and half days past the Full Moon. It has been given this name because this is a time for spreading and sharing the knowledge or realization we have gathered at the Full Moon. It is the first step on the inner journey which began at the Full Moon, but it can still be an active time in the world too, with the need to reach out to others. The Moon has past her prime, but her still strong light is a reminder of her recent fullness.

  • In the garden, despite the rapidly diminishing Moon light, this is a productive time for growing things and also to apply slow release fertilizer. The fact that these are the last available days for planting before the Last Quarter should work as an incentive to get going. Favourite plants to grow during this first week of the waning cycle are the Perennials, Biennials and Root Crops because the Moon energy is being stored underground in anticipation of the resting period not too far ahead.