Major Transits active in June and July 2018: Mars Retro in Aquarius; second Eclipse Season 2018; Uranus in Taurus

Mars Retro in Aquarius

Mars Retro in Aquarius

A shorter version of this post was published in the 100th issue of the Uki Village News, in early June 2018.

We are now well into the Uranus in Taurus era. As usual astrology seems to have anticipated much of the tensions and disruptive events, as well as the breakthroughs and evolutionary upheavals in store for the world at this time.

June and July 2018 sees a return of some of the most intense transits already active in mid May, while another eclipse season is upon us too. It will start at the July 13, Cancer 20° New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse, continuing to the July 28, Aquarius 04°Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, and will end on the August 11, Leo 18°New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse; three events rather than the usual two.

If your birthday falls very close, a day or so, from these dates the eclipses could prove significant for you, marking an emotional climax of some kind (Lunar Eclipse) or new beginnings in some area of your life, responding to a new level of awareness within (Solar Eclipses).

Similar effects are possible if the Moon or any planet or angle in your Birth Horoscope happen to be on or around 20th degree of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra (Lunar Eclipse), and/or the 4th/5th and the 18th degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio (Solar Eclipse).

The Taurus Uranian era will last for the seven years stay of Uranus in this Fixed Earth Sign (until 2025). In the long or short term, depending on our personal alignment to these cosmic events, it will be better if we prepare for major and rapid transformations in our world. Being complacent could find us unprepared for the necessary adjustments to new circumstances.

The very positive side of all of this will be about aligning ourselves to our truer purpose, asserting more openly our individuality, breaking with old moulds and taboos by defying social and family convention/conditioning. In the line of major impact will be the Fixed Signs, Taurus, of course, and also Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius.  This transit will hopefully shift those Signs from their proverbial tendency to become stuck and their stubborn avoidance of change, without completely upsetting their sense of security and belonging.

Depending on the exact position of Sun, Moon and planets in our Birth Horoscopes these transits will be close and personal to us, or manifest mainly as changes in the general environment, impacting on our life in an indirect way.

From the time of writing, end of May 2018, to mid August, than again from the end of August to September 11, Mars will transit the Fixed Air Sign of Aquarius. Salient transits of Mars will be the alignment to the Lunar Nodes on June 8 and July 20, and the Mars-Uranus 90 degrees angle, from the week of May 16, to the weeks of August 2 and September 19. These difficult angles and the also challenging 45 degrees angle of Uranus to Neptune (June 16, December 15, 2018, + May 2, 2019) will dominate the whole period.  Rebellion and defiance are in the air; everybody seems more opinionated and stubborn than ever; the world is not shying away from open confrontations. Conflicts of ideas and ideologies could prevail; rationalism versus idealism; technology versus ecology. Many will need to stand up to uphold or defend the evolutionary principles and ideals of a just and tolerant world, because reactionary and ultra conservative traditions will not give up their grip on the planet without a good fight (Mars).

Manifestations of these conflicting forces are the present increase in tectonic and volcanic activities and in war-like posturing from world leaders. Look historically at the high cost modern democracies had to pay to stay alive during the last Uranus in Taurus epoch, 1934/35 to 1941/42.

With all the differences between the world now and the world of 84 plus years ago we are facing somewhat similar challenges, with rapid increase in governments power mongering, with the surge of dictatorship and general war-mongering around the globe, and the ever greedier big corporations and financial institutions’ control over our lives.

Timeline for the Mars’ Retro period

  • Mars turns Retro in Aquarius on June 27
  • Mars re-enters Capricorn on August 13
  • Mars turns Direct in Capricorn on August 28
  • Mars re-enter Aquarius on September 11

Let’s stay cool but alert, embracing the changes that come our way. They may seem daunting but they are really opportunities to rise above stagnant situations, allowing better things to manifest in our life.


The Waning Moon transits Cancer during the Balsamic Phase

Artwork by Margarita Sikorskaia 03

Artwork by Margarita Sikorskaia 03

CANCER, Moon of nurture and imagination
Caring and home maker

From August 18, 2.12 am, to August 20, 3.54 am

Suitable energy for home making, looking after the children, nursing the sick, care taking, budgeting, op. shopping, feeding the hungry, cleaning, doing the laundry, recycling, storytelling, creative writing, fantasy or history reading, teaching, psychic insight, intuition. Purchase of children’s clothes, house hold items, blankets, antiques, houses and real estate. Action motivated by sympathetic response and the need to stick to what is familiar and safe. Self protective, reserved in display of feelings, caring. Beware of excessive mothering, dependency, personal bias, emotional manipulation, fear.

*** In the garden Cancer is one of the most, if not the most fertile of all Signs. Everything should do well when planted in Cancer, if the Moon is in the right phase. Plants particularly associated with Cancer are those with a high water content, such as Cucumbers, Lettuce, Melons. Cancer is also suitable for propagating cuttings, grafting and deep irrigation.

*** Healing Herbs: Papaya leaf, Peppermint, Spearmint.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.

Balsamic MoonBalsamic Moon

The CANCER BALSAMIC MOON PHASE begins on on August 18, 7.50 pm, and ends on August 22, 4.30 am,
with the LEO NEW MOON PHASE, also a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE on 28°52′ of LEO

The Moon is 45 degrees behind the Sun, only three and half days to New Moon. The Moon light is decreasing rapidly and the lunar energy is now being stored as nutrients in the seeds of future plants. It is also the calm before the storm of activities of the New Moon. Time for contemplation, self reflection and healing. The title Balsamic Moon is derived from the word ‘balsam’, unguent which helps to relieve pain and cure ills. During this time we could distil the essence of our past experience, from the last New Moon up to this point, reflect upon what we have experienced and learnt, getting psychologically ready for the cycle which is about to open. This is a spiritual phase, more suitable for meditation and relaxation than action.

*** In the garden it is certainly no time for planting or sowing, but it is ideal for cultivation, soil conditioning, eradicating pests and unwanted plants and to prune in order to retard growth.

The Waxing/Waning Moon transits Aquarius from August 6 to 9, during the Full Moon Phase, also a Partial Lunar Eclipse

Artwork by Samy Charnine

Artwork by Samy Charnine


AQUARIUS, Moon of knowledge and dispassion
Friendly and eccentric

From August 6, 10.15 pm, to August 9, 7.55 am

Suitable energy to make individual choices, to work in groups, to be with friends, to become aware of social issues, to change attitudes, share ideas, do the old thing in a new way, research, understand, study, teach, technology, Astrology, the Net, the unexpected, encounters with strangers or strange, eccentric people, UFO sighting. Purchase of books, encyclopaedias, computer programs, computers, technology, electrical appliances. Action motivated by the desire to participate without losing one’s own individuality. Friendly, contained display of feeling, somewhat distant. Beware of coldness, indifference, emotional isolation, cynicism, impracticality, physical inhibitions.

*** In the garden Aquarius is considered too dry and barren for growing anything, but Pine Trees (?). Its energy is suitable for cultivating, general maintenance, pruning, pest control, weeding, harvesting. A ‘work day’ or other group activities in the garden will be ideal.

*** Healing Herbs: Chamomile, Skullcap, Valerian.

A note: the garden activities associated with the Moon Sign depend also on the cycle the Moon is in. The Moon transiting through a fertile or productive Sign will no be so favorable if the Phase is not a productive one, and vice-versa. For best results the Sign and Phase of the Moon have to be considered together.
Full to Disseminating Moon

Full to Disseminating Moon

Full Moon

The AQUARIUS FULL MOON PHASE, also a PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, at 15°25′, AQUARIUS MOON-LEO SUN, begins on August 8, 4.10 am,
and ends on August 11, 10.38 pm, with the ARIES DISSEMINATING MOON PHASE

At Full Moon the Moon has reached a distance of 180 degrees ahead of the Sun, becoming diametrically opposed to it, with planet Earth in the middle. This is symbolically harvest time, when we reap what we have sown in the waxing period. We might experience success or failure, but either way we are coming to some important realization. The cycle has now reached its half way mark and is at its most intense. Like the New Moon a fortnight earlier this is also a time for new beginnings, not in the naïve, tentative way of the New Moon, but in a more mature and conscious way.

*** In the garden the Full Moon is a great divide: before the exact phase the increasing light and surging energy are particularly good for Annuals and above the ground crops; after the phase Perennials, Biennials, Trees and Root crops are more suited. Traditionally no sowing or planting are recommended however twelve hours before or after the phase itself. Some authors suggest even 24 hours.

The Third degree of the Cardinal Signs and the March 23 Lunar Eclipse in Libra

War and Peace

War and Peace

If the Third Degree (or whereabouts) of the Signs of LIBRA, ARIES. CANCER or CAPRICORN are highlighted in your Birth Chart this Lunar Eclipse is for you. This means having your Sun, Moon, a planet, a Chart’s Angle (Ascendant-Descendant-Mid-Heaven-Lower-Heaven) and/or the Lunar Nodes close to this degree.

Looking just at Sun Signs: Librans born on September 25, Aries born on March 23, Capricorn born on December 24 and Cancer born on June 24 are all directly aligned to this Eclipse.

This special Full Moon marks a significant time for reassessing and revaluing your relationships, to realize some hidden truth about yourself and others close to you, to confront either the Demon or the Angel within you and in others.

The task will be to attain the right twilight, merging Light and Dark, within and without. The polarity character of this particular Eclipse is also stressed by its vicinity to the yearly Aries Equinox, the all important beginning of the astrological year. The Equinox is in fact always a time when we and the world strive to find some equilibrium, bridging the difference between the more extreme seasons of summer and winter. The Earth is now illumined in the same measure on both hemispheres.

Reading the news and listening to people personal issues in my consultations I have to say that all this seems to manifest more as marked, antagonistic duality, rather than the merging of opposite yet complementary energies. Only each one of us’ individual journey toward wholeness and the journey of individuals connected to the same ideals (of world’s peace and harmony) can help break the duality spell that is upon us.

The Lunar Eclipse, at the Libra Full Moon of March 23, was very much a mirror reflection of the one we witnessed in September 2015,  Sun and Moon occupying then the opposite Signs they occupy now. So many of the issues you may be confronting this time emerged at that time too. A walk down memory line could help a lot to unravel the situation and show you the way to resolve differences and difficulties, not just in the area of personal relationship but in your social and working life too.

For a post on the visibility and  possible effects of this Eclipse CLICK HERE.

For a post on the general study of the effects of Eclipses CLICK HERE.

September 2015 Eclipse Season: opening more doors of perception – Part 2 –

Door in forest

My own Approach to the study of Eclipses

My approach to the study of Eclipses springs from personal observations of their influence on my own Chart and life, and those of some clients, and also from the perusal of Eclipses’ stories and interpretations in different astrological texts, modern and old, providing a wealth of  Natal and Mundane examples. 

A text that really helped me personally to understand the working of Eclipses is “Eclipses” by the scholar of the Occult David Ovason‘s, a book full of useful information and insight. Ovason stresses in particular the importance of the relationship between Fixed Stars and Eclipses’ degrees, discussing many great case histories to make his point.

When I know an Eclipse is close at hand I repeat the mantra I have often used with my students: ‘Eclipses of the Sun are New Moons, Eclipses of the Moon are Full Moons’. I am not here to demystify Eclipses, but I feel we need to have a more level headed approach toward them, not always expecting incredible events to take place or our personal lives to be transformed by them. Here I have attempted to do this without denying the power an Eclipse can actually exert in a person’s life and in the life of the collective. What I am advocating is to look closely at the Eclipse itself and also put it in the context of the current Transits. Eclipses are not separated phenomena, but are part, like every other cosmic event, of a much bigger picture.

In some of the examples that I’m using here you’ll find that the power of an Eclipse is always magnified by the presence of other major Transits happening during the Eclipse’s period of activity, a period that can stretch, forward and backward in time, for months and even years.

How to look for your important Eclipses, up-close and personal

Every New Moon is a portal to a league of the monthly journey.  When the New Moon falls on your birth Sign you know that to be a special beginning for you, a turning point in the yearly cycle. Now, if that New Moon, like in this case, is also a Solar Eclipse the New Moon’s portal is opening to a wider horizon than just few months ahead, and also to deeper dimensions of experience; sometimes even a re-birthing of sort. Still, fundamentally, the Solar Eclipse remains a symbol of the end of one cycle and the start of another, though perhaps a particularly intense and significant one.

Following the same reasoning every Full Moon represents the climax of a journey or period. If this event happens around your birthday it would be a more significant climax. If the Full Moon were also a Lunar Eclipse you could expect some major realizations and far-reaching climax type experience.

Eclipses are not rare phenomena, but they will produce a marked effect only if falling in close conjunction and opposition (for the Lunar Eclipses) to a sensitive point in your Birth or Progressed Charts, meaning Sun, Moon, Planets, Angles, Lunar Nodes. The orb (distance) allowed for Eclipses’ aspects should be, I think, very tight, one degree or less, or we would end up with too many Eclipses and not much happening with them. I am aware that many astrologers advocate a larger orb for Eclipses in conjunction or opposition to your Natal Chart’s placements, three or even five degrees, but I feel that keeping to a tight orb is always the safest thing to do, when trying to measure the strength of any aspect. The closest the aspect, the more obvious the effect. Eclipses are not exception.

When hunting Eclipses for a specific individual, ascertain, first of all, if the person was born in an Eclipse Season, with a Solar or Lunar Eclipse closely following or preceding the birthday. If this is the case make sure to search for any conjunction of the Eclipses’ degrees (also opposition, for Lunar Eclipses) with angular and planetary placements in the Natal Chart, especially with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Ruling Planet. Even when you don’t find any close aspect make a note of the areas of experience (House) occupied by the Eclipses, because they will remain sensitive areas throughout life, where, from time to time, important crisis may take place.

As you have gathered from my own example you don’t need to be born in an Eclipse Season to be affected by the power of Eclipses.

Eclipses, like all astrological events, have a light and a dark side. The type of experience depends on a combination of the nature of the Planet involved (aspected by the Eclipse) and the field (astrological House) where the Eclipse occurs in the Natal or Progressed Chart.

So, for instance, an Eclipse on your Sun will affect your sense of identity and self-esteem, an Eclipse on your Moon your emotions and family life. An Eclipse in your Third House will colour your communication and relationship with siblings, in the Eighth House your intimate relationships, your shared finances and your desire for personal power, etc, etc.

The example I gave before, of the glut of Eclipses I experienced the year my younger sister was born, is one of many I could have used. Here are a few more, hoping they will help you to understand how Eclipses might work in your own life.

A Solar Eclipse on the 29th degree of Gemini fell on my Natal Sun at 0° 03′ of Cancer, XI House, in 1982, the year my partner and I emigrated to Australia. Some change: we have never gone back in 29 years! That’s an Eclipse’s effect. It wouldn’t have been so powerful though if not for the assistance of a Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter’s passage over the cusp of my IV House, nadir and taproot of my Chart, life changing transits on their own. Together with the Solar Eclipse, the Progressed Moon in Aries in my Natal IX House of foreign travels and people, and other aspects besides, the Eclipse manifested in the decisive way it did.

And what about, earlier, a Lunar Eclipse on my Pisces North Node, Natal VIII House, in 1979, the year I visited India, my stay there lasting two years, during which time I met my partner of thirty years, and having a lot to do with the later decision to emigrate to Australia. The emotional impact of that period is still difficult to assess for me, one of the most formative year of my life. That Eclipse too wasn’t alone, but coincided with a full-on Saturn Return and other important transits.

Eclipses haven’t quite finished with me, more are coming my way, and I wasn’t even born in an Eclipse Season.

Link to Eclipses as Doors of Perception – Part 1

If interested click for a post about the last Solar Eclipse in Virgo on September 13 2015

Eclipsed Full Moon in Gemini and talking, talking, talking …

Just before the Lunar Eclipse of December 10/11 I wrote about the Gemini Full Moon being one for talking, expressing feelings and ideas in words; the Mercurial way to connect.

Here is a link to my previous post on the Gemini Lunar Eclipse.

The idea then was to speak your mind, if you need to, your truth, your vision, if you can, with as many people as possible. The combination Gemini Moon-Sagittarius Sun is the perfect alchemy for great story telling and mythologizing.

But what if there isn’t anyone to talk to? Your laptop and mobile’s batteries are flat and you find yourself in an isolated camp site in the rain forest? You can still pencil your thoughts on the back of a piece of bark, I suppose, but even better you can start the wonderful and very serious business of talking to yourself, a forgotten art that merits to be revived, especially at the time of such an Eclipse. The communication himp needs to find novel ways to speak its mind, hopefully without imploding catastrophically, nervous breakdown and all.

In the dark, the other night, sitting by the veges patch, a black and white cat on my lap (embodying well the dark and light sides of the event unfolding above us) I realized that for me, at that moment, communication was not taking place with another human being, it was still taking place though, telepathically with Charlie, the Cat, and inwardly with myself.

So, to the many amongst my readers who are finding themselves alone at this crucial ‘talking’ time I would suggest to speak to yourself, perhaps engaging in a dialogue with the Planetary Energy/ies more active and powerful in your life at this crucial moment. I am right now having a good talk to Uranus, one that, I hope, will bring some fruitful changes into my life as a person and as a student-teacher of Astrology.

Want to know in which special way the Eclipse season and other planetary changes are affecting your life? You may want to book a consultation with me, in person, by phone or Skype.

Readings can be as affordable as $1 per minute. Also available in depth, comprehensive Readings of Birth Charts, future trends indicated by Progressions and Transits, Compatibility, Relocation, etc; as well as printouts of relative Charts, Solar Fire Gold Interpretations and much more.


Email me here

Too good to miss: the Gemini Moon Total Eclipse, in the horns of the Bull of Heaven, on December 10/11, 2011

The Astrological Eclipse

Here is the Horoscope of the Lunar Eclipse, calculated for our local coordinates. The relative positions of the Sun, Moon, Nodes and Planets to each other remains the same even as their orientation to the horizon change from place to place.

Eclipses are strange beasts. They can affect some people in very profound ways, while passing unnoticed by many others. That’s why with Eclipses, even more than with other astrological factors, we have to be careful not to generalize too much about the quality and impact of their influence, unless we have the opportunity to see the dynamic interaction between the Eclipse and a Birth Chart cast for a specific individual or event. This unique response to Eclipses can be explained by the fact that, in order to have a tangible effect, an Eclipse has to fall pretty close to a sensitive degree in your Birth Chart, meaning one occupied by the Sun, the Moon, one of the four Angles (Ascendant, Descendant, Mid-heaven, Lower-Heaven), a Planet or Lunar Node. When I say close I mean within one or, at the most, two degrees distance from the actual degree of the Eclipse. Eclipses on Mid-points between planets can also be quite significant, especially if the planets involved are part of  a strong theme in the person’s Birth Horoscope.

The impact of an Eclipse can also differ greatly depending on the character of the celestial body it falls close to, and also the area of experience (denoted by the Horoscope’s Houses) where the Eclipse takes place.

With these premises in mind this particular Eclipse could have a marked impact on some Mutable Sign.  The birthdays directly aligned with the Eclipse’s degree will be: Gemini, born June 8 to 10; Sagittarius,born December 10 to 12; Virgo, born September 10 to 12; Pisces, born March 8 to 10. Or individual with Natal Moon, Angles, Planets or Nodes between the 17th and 19th degrees of the same Signs.

Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses alike are significant times for realizations and often are also climaxes of a sort, peak experiences, bringing the coronation, success or failure, to activities and relationships we have began or have cultivated during the Waxing fortnight of the Moon’s cycle (when we are talking about regular Full Moons) or in the previous three to six months or longer (when we are talking about Eclipsed Full Moons). Whatever the nature of the events brought to light by a Lunar Eclipse they will have an emotional impact, sometimes a very great emotional impact, as when they coincide with the birth of a child, a death, a promotion, a significant illness, the purchase of real estate, influential encounters, life-changing choices or events over which one has little or no control, profound insights and psychic quantum leaps, etc.  In fact there is often a sense of fate in the events or feelings that surge out of an Eclipse, like something that was meant to be and has come to change our life in meaningful and sometimes unexpected ways.

Another important consideration to bear in mind is that this Gemini Moon Eclipse is aligned to the South Lunar Node, the place of descent, relating to the past in all its many forms: this life’s past, childhood, youth, or a past life’s past, or even the past of aeons of planetary evolution. So we may feel inclined or be forced perhaps to revisit things and people from the past that, positively, may help us illumine the present, or, negatively, create distress, regrets, or a painful sense of nostalgia and unrequited longing.

Emotionally a Lunar Eclipse can be very revealing of the true state of your feelings. If your life is already in an emotional spin then the Eclipse may bring all the intensity up to the surface, for everybody to see, including yourself. It could be a joyous experience too, but one that is also deep and somewhat more private than the Sign Gemini suggests.

Before being an Eclipse this is the yearly Full Moon in Gemini, showing a time of heightened intellectual and verbal energy. So if you have found yourself talking and talking in the last few days, do not worry, you are not alone. Many of us are attempting to express ideas that seem to grow in our heads as fast as mushrooms on a mossy bed. Communication can be intense and fast, under this clever Moon, with many subjects covered, moving from one to the next at great speed. The Eclipse will make what we try to communicate more poignant and partaking of our inner life too, not just idle socializing and prattling.

This is great lunar energy for creative writing, story telling, poetry, performances, song writing, learning, teaching, abstracting, eureka moments, intellectual breakthroughs.

The Sun and Moon, in opposition to each other at Eclipse/Full Moon time, are both forming a right angle (90 degrees) with Mars in Virgo (T square). This aspect will further intensify the mental activity and the desire to express our minds, manifesting also as competitiveness, tendency to argue about even minute differences of opinion and become hot and over-critical before we can control it or stop it. There is a sense of restlessness here that we need to become aware of, trying to find a place of quiet and tranquility amongst the hubbub and intense mental stimulation, perhaps consciously reducing our social interactions and activities, leaving some time free for ourselves and for some badly needed mental rest. Too many irons in the fire are often the bane of the Mutable Signs. This tendency to scatter and waste energy could be highlighted by the aspects of Mars. The more conscious we become of what is involved the more we may be able to use Mars’ extra boost to put our ideas into effective use, or changing in meaningful ways our routine and habits, to become more efficient and practical.

Saturn in Libra is within two degree of a trine to Neptune in Aquarius, a positive aspect, stressing again the mental and social impact of the Gemini Eclipse, via the accent on Air Signs. The often inimical functions of Saturn and Neptune have an opportunity here to work together in harmony, the practical outlook and realism of Saturn embracing the idealism, faith and compassion of Neptune, helping to manifest in concrete form our social and spiritual ideals. This is one aspect that, being active during the Durban’s Climate Change Conference, could help us finding some concrete solutions to our global problems, to match the ideal those international summits have been created to uphold. I don’t yet know the outcome, but this particular connection gives me some hope.

Between lovers a certain dimension of feeling-communication, or communication with feeling, could be revealing a side of the other person that we suspected but never saw quite as clearly. Forget candle light dinners and all the romantic trappings, rather talk, just talk about what really matters to you. Describe your feelings, analyze them, and thus discover or rediscover a different sort of intimacy, one that doesn’t rely necessarily on sexuality, but can make you feel as close as twins in a pod.

Venus and Mars, both in Earth Sign, have reached a phase in their eternal dance during which they can work in harmony (trine or 120 degrees angle). Our ability to cooperate and share (Venus) is going hand in hand with our ability to assert our individuality (Mars), so that we can cooperate with others without losing sight of what we want for ourselves.

Apart from all the above (and more that I don’t have time to mention here, or I’ll be late to post this before the Eclipse) there is, of course, also the Retrogradation of Mercury in Sagittarius to consider, making all matters more complicated and, like the Eclipse, suggesting  a need to revisit the past, recent or remote, to understand and deal better with the present. Mercury will be Retrograde a few more days, turning Stationary Direct on December 14, next Wednesday. Navigate HERE to my recent post on the Retrogradation of Mercury in Sagittarius.

The Eclipse and the Collective Psyche

The sheer number of transits active at this time shows an eventful time ahead for the world, Eclipses extending their influence well beyond the time they occur. The most significant aspect formed by the Sun and Moon is their mutual square (90 degrees angle) to Mars in Virgo. Because the Sun and Moon are closely conjunct the Lunar Nodes (the reason why the Eclipse is a Total one) Mars is also in a difficult configuration with the Nodes, fact that is not at all promising for world peace and general cooperation amongst people and nations. We should not overlook the fact that Uranus has just turned Stationary and then Direct (on December 9) accelerating the pace of change and bringing to a head issues that have been slow to mature.

Uranus is sitting on the very first degree of Aries, the archetypal beginning point of the whole Zodiac, so significant that aspect formed by Sun , Moon and Planets to this degree are often measured, even when there are no planet on it. Occupying this very significant degree Uranus leads the flock, so to speak,  taking on the function of the Ram of Heaven which leads the Year, ushering unforeseen large scale events, revolutions, innovations; change, change, and more change, affecting just about everybody.

Navigate HERE to another recent post on the Sagittarius Partial Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011.

The Visual Eclipse

It will be worth your while staying up to witness the Moon’s metamorphosis from silvery white to red ocher-orange, dark and rich hues.

In the Australian states that adopt Day Light Saving (NSW, ACT, NT, VIC) the Total phase will take place around 1.30 am on December 11, and completely end by 3.15 am. In Queensland the event will take place an hour earlier and in Western Australia a couple of hours earlier.

The event will be visible in its entirety all over Australia, New Zealand and most countries in Asia. No so lucky people in North America and Canada, where the Moon will be setting at Eclipse time, or Europe/Africa where the Moon will be rising instead. While South America will miss out on this event all together.

Click HERE for an informative sight where you’ll find the exact time of beginning, full phase and ending of this Eclipse from different locations in Australia and around the world.

The first image below shows where to look for Jupiter, toward the West, as the Moon begin to darken, around midnight local Summer Time. , in New South Wales Northern Rivers region (very similar view and time all along Australia’s East coast).

click to view larger image

Below are three Stellarium‘s skyscapes of three phases of this Lunar Eclipse: the beginning, full phase and end, as seen around respectively 0.15 am, 1.30 am and 2.45 am. The three snapshots represent the North-Easterly, at first, and then North-Westerly night sky.

In these images that also show the constellations note how the Moon seems neatly placed between the horns of the Celestial Bull, Taurus, close to Aldebaran, the alpha star, and also aligned to the Pleiades (Seven Sisters). Orion is dominating the sky above, and the most brilliant star in our firmament, Sirius, the Dog Star, walks at his heels. A whole mythical pageant is here to accompany the mystery of the Full Moon obscured by the Earth’s own shadow.  Our collective Shadow Self revealed in all its glory, made conscious and tangible, if only for a few moments.

December 11, 2011, 0.15 am - Click to view larger image

December 11, 2011, 1.30 am - Click to view larger image

December 11, 2011, 2.45 am - Click to view larger image

Camilla Parker Bowles and the Descending Node Eclipse Season, June/July 2011

In a previous post I tried to fathom the possible connection between the Birth Chart of the Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, and the Descending Node Eclipse Season of June/July 2011.  Here I am attempting the same with the Birth Chart of Camilla Parker Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall.

I have chosen her Chart because it will be activated by all the three Eclipses this season, two Solar and one Lunar.

This rare event could affect her life in important ways, for months and even years to come.

As with Julia Gillard here too we see not only Eclipses in action, but also some significant Transits and Progressions.

Camilla Parker Bowles (inner wheel) and the Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 1 2011,

cast for the coordinates of London (outer wheel)

The Gemini Solar Eclipse will be on Camilla’s Natal Mars (XI House).

Natal Mars happens to rule the Natal Mid-heaven and is in trine aspect to Natal Neptune and the Cusp of the IV House (IC) in Libra. Natal Mercury, ruling the XI House in the Mercurial Sign of Gemini, was retrograde at birth, and in trine to Natal Jupiter on the Cusp of the Natal V House.

This activation of her Natal Mars by a Solar Eclipse could bring to the fore again, and perhaps exacerbate, the difficulties Camilla has experienced for a long time in her relationship with the English public, fogged by mistrust and falsehood, causing this prominent lady to remain an unsolved mystery in the eyes of many (Natal Mars trine Neptune on the IC, Retro Mercury ruling XI).

This is however just a negative reading of a Transit that could actually provide an opportunity to gain the sort of approval or popularity that has been denied to her before. Or, at least, it could help her to find new strategies to cope with the stress and anxieties caused by this flawed relationship. A relationships that, her Natal Chart shows clearly, is important to Camilla, more than she can express (Neptune on IC, trined by Mars in XI).

In both eventualities her public image and her role in the community are coming to the fore for Camilla.

The activation of Mars by anything often ends creating stressful and tense situations or reactions. But the aspects of Natal Mars are mainly positive, and this could be very helpful to Camilla, helping her to utilize the Eclipse energy wisely (Natal Mars sextile Natal Saturn and Pluto).

At first reading I sensed that Camilla could be faced with the need to conceal something or repress something, in order not to give another blow to her shaky public career. I thought of loss through friends and aspirations (XI House) and her home life and family. But perhaps I got carried away with an attractive negative train of thought, as it happens with Eclipses.

I would have read this Eclipse on Mars differently if I didn’t consider the Transits concomitant with it though. The major transits I’m talking about being Saturn on the Lower-Heaven point, Cusp of the IV Natal House, the taproot of the Charts, all endings and all beginnings. Transiting Saturn entered Camilla IV House first in October 2010; but, during this Eclipse Season, is returning to conjunct the Natal IC, not far from uniting with her Natal Neptune again (a difficult transit) and squaring for a second and third time her Natal Moon-Venus’ conjunction in the XII House, another emotionally difficult transit, that could affect her home life, her close family and her own sense of well being.  An illness cannot be ruled out either. Saturn will transit Camilla’s large IV House until the end of 2013.

At the same time Pluto is slowly approaching his opposition to her Natal Moon-Venus’ conjunction, while Uranus is preparing to square the same. All aspects heralding major changes and personal transformations and realizations for the next few years, into 2014.

For curiosity sake: Camilla’s all important Natal Neptune is conjunct the star Diadem (alpha of Coma Berenices), symbolizing a woman’s sacrifice to ensure her husband’s safety.

Camilla Parker Bowles (inner wheel) and the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse of June 15 2011,

cast for the coordinates of London (outer wheel)

At the Sagittarius Total Lunar Eclipse the transiting Gemini Sun and South Node will be conjunct Camilla’s Natal Uranus in Gemini and the XI House, like Mars before. The eclipsed transiting Sagittarius Moon and the North Node naturally will be in opposition to Natal Uranus from the V House.

This Eclipse then again puts the accent on the area that has to do with Camilla’s relationship with the collective, in the sense of personal friends and also people in general, the public or community. Uranus has, more often than not, a disruptive effect, introducing changes in our lives that we may find hard, at first, to adjust to, because somehow they seem unexpected or unreasonable. We may feel unprepared for them or afraid to accept them.

Often transits involving Uranus make us feel also a bit weird, somewhat alienated from family and friends, emotionally isolated and cold. Trying to fit in the old mold will not succeed because actually we are supposed to embrace more our uniqueness under an Uranus transit, accepting, as a necessary payment for it, some loneliness and alienating feelings.

Positively Uranus’ transits bring us closer to who we really are and to the individual path we are meant to travel on; the emotional isolation helping to really find that path. In this sense the major adjustments and changes demanded by Uranus, even if difficult to embrace at first, lead us eventually in the right direction. With Uranus in the collective House at birth it is Camilla’s challenge to rebel against the environment that makes her feel alienated and different, eventually finding a group or tribe that can accept her the way she really is.

Uranus, in Camilla’s Birth Chart, received only minor aspects from the Sun and Saturn, but was conjunct the Asteroid Vesta (Hestia), symbol of the sacred spiritual flame we all, and women in particular, are meant to devotedly keep alive in order to protect our families and countries’ spiritual integrity. Having this aspect at birth shows that Camilla possesses her own brand of spirituality, not too influenced by conventions and traditions. In spiritual matters she is very much her own person, and this Eclipse may emphasize this trait too.

Camilla Parker Bowles (inner wheel) and the Cancer Solar Eclipse of July 1 2011,

cast for the coordinates of London (outer wheel)

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Last but not least, the third Eclipse this season, a Solar in Cancer at the July 1 New Moon, is nearly perfectly conjunct Camilla’s Natal Moon and, by Translation of Light, also her Natal Venus, in the XII House. This Eclipse degree is also in square to her Natal Neptune and the Cusp of her IV House or IC.

An Eclipse right on Moon and Venus, one the symbol of personal feelings (Moon), the other of those emotions we share with others in close partnership (Venus), could prove a very emotional experience for Camilla, big time. An illumination of the dark, unconscious side of relationships and of her personal inner life, with a pervasive sense of fate that should encourage a spiritual search for meaning.

This Eclipse’s contact seems to me the beginning of a spiritual journey for Camilla, during which her many preoccupations with the world and people may begin to fade and she may need to concentrate on her spiritual, emotional and physical well being. Again a period of illness or forced withdrawal cannot be ruled out. Considering the aspects the Moon-Venus’ conjunction forms in her Birth Chart (squaring Neptune, Mid-Heaven and Lower-Heaven), this Eclipse highlights also the home and career sectors, encouraging her to find some balance between the two in her life, perhaps by giving up some cherished illusions and ideals (Neptune), and accepting the difficulties with, at least, resignation, at best, spiritual understanding.

Hot spots around the world: Horoscopes for the Ingress of the Sun in Gemini, May 21, 2011

The Sun enters Gemini, May 21, 2011

We are turning another leaf in our Book of Seasons. On May 21 the Sun exits Earthy Taurus to enter Airy Gemini.

Gemini is a Mutable Sign, indicating the changeable nature of the season, the last astrological month (Sign) of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and Spring in the Northern. Time to wrap up the passing season’s experiences and learning and get ready for the new yearly phase beginning at the next Cancer Solstice (June 21 this year).

An important planetary shift is also at hand with the ingress of Jupiter in Taurus on June 4, a transit that will last a whole year.

All I have time for today is posting various Gemini Ingress Horoscopes, cast for different places on the planet. Following each Ingress I’m also posting double-wheel Charts with the Ingress Chart superimposed upon each nation’s Birth Chart.

I thought it may be interesting to compare them. Ingress Charts in fact have been used for thousands of years to predict the fate of people and countries.

In this case though, to get a more complete picture, we also need to consider the upcoming Eclipse Season, starting with the Partial Solar Eclipse of June 1/2 (depending where you are). This Eclipse, and the other two following in mid June (Total Lunar in Sagittarius) and early July (Partial Solar in Cancer), should also be considered in forecasting future trends for these hot-spots countries.

You can find HERE an article I posted earlier on the significance of this Eclipse season and the passage of Jupiter into Taurus.

Another post on the approaching Solar Eclipse of June 1/2 is in the pipeline, to be published soon.


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The Total Gemini/Cancer Lunar Eclipse at the Capricorn Solstice, too much for one day?

I re-post here part of an article, published earlier, regarding the significance of the Lunar Eclipse of December 21, coinciding with the Capricorn Solstice, and the Solar Eclipse of January 4, coinciding with the last historical Jupiter-Uranus’ conjunction. Please click here to view the whole article, covering the major transits active between December 2010 and March 2011.

I hope to have time to return with some fresh impressions to this fascinating topic in the next couple of days.


2010 and 2011, two more years ending and beginning with eclipses. These are the magical moments in the Earth-Moon-Sun cycle, when the three celestial bodies align, creating a powerful nexus of energies, from the solar center of consciousness through the lunar world of psyche to the earthy world of physical experience. These events so close to the Capricorn Solstice point to another intense and eventful period ahead for the world.

Full Moon in Gemini and Total Lunar Eclipse

December 21

The Total Lunar Eclipse is first, on December 21, just a few hours before the Solstice, Moon on the last degree of Gemini and Sun on the last degree of Sagittarius.

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This will be a special Full Moon for people with Sun, Moon, Ascendant and/or Planets on the cusp Gemini-Cancer, Sagittarius-Capricorn, Virgo-Libra, Pisces-Aries. A signature eclipse for those same people who are also experiencing the power of Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter, agents of transformation, excitement and opportunity, and have recently struggled with the need to ground themselves and become more seriously committed to their relationships, their families, their jobs and goals (Saturn in Libra). A difficult balancing act, making us more aware as a collective (not just the people directly aligned to these transits) of the humongous inner tension between autonomy and obligations, the safety of the known and the exhilaration of the unknown, cosmic themes of the past few years.

Contemporary with the eclipse is the Capricorn conjunction of Mars-Pluto, and the forming right angle Mars-Saturn. The first can be an extremely extreme kind of transit, when the youthful and often blind vigor of Mars is attempting to work together with the old god of the underworld, a cunning and powerful bedfellow. Things that we have relegated to the underworld of our unconscious psyche, individually and collectively, will be forced by the sheer muscle of Mars to erupt to the surface, with, naturally, consequences: some radical change of landscapes, literally and symbolically; blowing up of unprocessed inner contents finding their way to consciousness, revealing what we wanted hidden for good reasons in the first place. The contact Mars-Saturn will tend to make the mix Mars-Pluto more tangible, manifesting in actual difficult events.

At the time of the Lunar eclipse retro Mercury is also forming an aspect to Jupiter-Uranus, exciting stuff, because here we have a trio whose members all have something to do with the process of thinking.  Mercury is the ABC planet, helping us to sort the world’s inventory, giving a name to everything, like good old Adam or Hermes. Because Mercury is moving backward at this time, contrary to the ‘natural’ order of things, its role could go beyond the indiscriminate gathering of information.

Jupiter’s role is, on the other hand, to give meaning to the words we have learnt to spell with the help of Mercury, stimulating us to speculate on infinite possibilities.

Finally Uranus, mythical sky god, is helping us to contact the abstract, the conceptual, to arrive at unanticipated breakthroughs via the medium of our own individual genius.

A full-on time, it seems. We should not expect anything less from a Full Moon eclipsed on the Cusp of Magic, Gemini-Cancer, where reason and feeling embrace.

 New Moon in Capricorn and Partial Solar Eclipse, January 4 2011

The Partial Solar Eclipse, on January 4 2011, is a New Moon in Capricorn.

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The eclipse coincides, to the day, with the third and last pass of the Jupiter-Uranus’ conjunction. Much has been written about this conjunction, promising the types of upheavals our world needs at present, a change of direction, and the willingness to embrace new circumstances and ideals with optimism and confidence. Jupiter is in fact expanding the scope of Uranus, offering novel paradigms to accommodate the changes that it is Uranus’ role to uphold. The eclipse will carry the effect of this conjunction into the future, long after the aspect has lost its momentum.

Another highlight of this eclipse is the conjunction of Sun-Moon to Pluto in Capricorn, with Pluto heliacal, rising before the Sun. Plutonian intensity can be detected in this configuration too, but the conjunction is weak due to a wide orb.

Of considerable importance is the right angle between Sun-Moon and Saturn.  During the first three months of 2011 Saturn will transit over the Birth Sun of those Libra born between October 6 and 12. They are the ones who will now need to give serious consideration to their practical concerns, money, job, family, long term plans, according to the eclipse’s indicators.

The whole alignment in Capricorn (North Node-Pluto-Pallas-Sun-Moon-Mars) shows that collectively also the goal of this New Moon is to stimulate our practical leanings. The Saturn’s aspect represents those obstacles and setbacks that will accompany our efforts, the struggle necessary to make our plans reach full maturity. Pressing material problems are vying for our attention, procrastination not the wisest choice this ecliptic season.