Tonga versus Krakatoa: the astrological signature of disasters

Eruption of Mt Vesuvius by Pierre-Jacques Volaire, French, 1729-1790-1800

In the horoscope I cast for the Hunga Tonga Ha’apai’s volcano’s eruption I found, as was to be expected, a number of astrological signatures traditionally connected to natural disasters.  I was  particularly struck though by the similarities with another historical catastrophe I had studied long ago, the 1883 Indonesian Krakatoa’s explosion, one of the grandest volcanic eruptions in recorded history.

First though we better look at the two horoscopes separately.


Tonga Volcanic Eruption – January 15 2022

1) The waxing, nearly full Gemini Moon has reached the exact opposition to Sagittarius Mars (high energy, strife, violence), while they are both at right angle to Pisces Neptune (God of the sea in the Sign of the ocean).

2) Neptune also happens to be the most elevated planet (highest in the sky) at the time of the event. Neptune traditionally rules seashore places, all water filled landscapes, islands as well as maritime events, including disasters at sea.

3) Also Aquarius Mercury is at perfect right angle to Taurus Uranus (sudden and unexpected earth shaking events) and also coming onto a conjunction with Aquarius Saturn, still within orb of the square to Uranus too.

4) The Capricorn Sun was coming to a conjunction to Capricorn Pluto, alignment that will be exact on January 19, a day after the Cancer Full Moon.

5) The Nodes are also just separating from a right angle (square) to Pisces Jupiter.


Krakatoa Volcanic Eruption – August 27 1883

Krakatoa’s Horoscope is more obviously dramatic than Tonga. This of course makes sense considering the wide spread destruction that eruption caused to the whole of Indonesia. The casualties have been estimated to range between a low 36.000 to a high 120.000, mainly caused by the many tsunamis following the main event.

The Moon in Sign Gemini and Decan Aquarius, same as in Tonga,

Similarities between the two events

Here are the charts for the two events, on the same page for easier comparison:

Tonga and Krakatoa

Compared to Krakatoa the recent Tonga explosion fortunately caused only few fatalities. Despite this, however, it broke many previous records too, including being one of the most powerful ever recorded!

In both instances a mountainous volcanic island literally self-destructed under the force of a blast from the depths of the surrounding ocean. In Tonga the volcano itself was a submerged mountain that ended falling into the sea and splitting into two smaller islands. The island that was destroyed in Krakatoa was larger instead and rose above water; in 1927, many years after the 1883 explosion, a new smaller island emerged, the so called ‘Child of Krakatoa’, still an active volcano.

The first, most obvious similarities between the two Horoscopes is the grouping of celestial planets along half of the, ecliptic, with the Lunar Nodes closing the group in both charts. Only the Moon, in Tonga, was transiting the opposite hemisphere to the group, just ahead of the North Node. When such lopsided hemispherical emphasis occurs events of an extreme nature are more likely, in particular when other significant transits become active at the same time.

Not only the Moon was transiting the same Sign, Gemini and same Decan, Aquarius, but in both charts it was closely connected to Mars, in opposition in Tonga and conjunction in Krakatoa.

The Nodes themselves occupy different Signs in the two charts, Gemini-Sagittarius in Tonga and Scorpio-Taurus in Krakatoa. But, due to the fact that the Nodes’ natural direction is backward through the zodiac, in Tonga they have just arrived at the cusps of the same Signs they occupied in Krakatoa, with the difference that the North Node was on the Taurus’ cusp and the South Node on the Scorpio’ cusp in Tonga; while in Krakatoa the South Node was transiting Taurus and the North Node Scorpio, opposite complementary Signs! Both the Fixed Signs Taurus and Scorpio are traditionally connected to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions because they offer strong resistance to change, tending to break under pressure rather than accommodate change.

Final Note: it could be of interest to students of astrology to learn that geophysicists have also found similarities between the two events.

Click here to view an interesting article about their scientific take on the matter.

Apparently, in order to more fully understand the Krakatoa explosion and its aftermath around the globe, in the words of this article, ‘scientists needed to see another version of Krakatau play out in real time in the modern era — an awkward wish, to be sure‘. That wish was fulfilled when the Hunga Tonga Ha’apai’s volcano exploded too!

I think this is an excellent example of Astrology in action!

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